Women’s need additional take care during pregnancy

Women’s need additional take care during pregnancy

Women’s need additional take care during pregnancy, which is very important for both mother and babies health. so, don’t take this lightly, if you are really serious about your pregnancy.

What do you want to know about pregnancy?

Another name for pregnancy is called gestation. Period of about 9 months, when embryo (develop from zygote) is grown up into a baby. Pregnancy just confirmed via a pregnancy test which is done through laboratory test and today this is could be check at home through by pregnancy test kit which is easily available at nearby any local medical shops.

What is a conception?


When first-time sperm makes to get enter inside the fallopian tube to hideaway into the egg and fertilizes the egg.

How do you know about pregnancy is a very close or at the last stage, some symptoms indicating like vomiting and sickness, missed periods, repeated urination, desire for food increases, and tender breast.


Before you come to have a wonderful mother experience and all set to become pregnant, you should have to prepare yourself mentally and physically. We need to keep some important precaution for further assistance. Let’s check out with a quick look.

  • Go for the regular check up and ask the doc to ensure that any complication do you have or not. Take proper medication and advice. Never miss out or ignore regular visit to your gynecologist.
  • Stay away from this or quit, if you have any kind of bad practices such as: addicted to smoking, consumption of alcohol, drugs and discontinue consumption of too much caffeine intake. If you having some problems dealing with bad habits or rather than if you want to give up such kind of bad habits please, in such a case feel free to consult your doctor immediately.

     Don’t do such things by yourself, Keep in your mind

First thing

is not to consume any medication without any advice from your physician. It could be easily going to effect on your pregnancy. Suppose that, if any drug does side-effect on you than what happened do you imagine! you may easily get physically and psychologically disturbed or your pregnancy may be stand-in critical positions. Nobody wants to face such a nightmare in their life. So, awareness is much important; if we have to describe in one statement, “Precaution is better than cure” always.

Second thing

is to be keeping up yourself clean and dirt free. Be careful with your pets like cats and dogs, be alert. Don’t have to clean their stool and shit by your hands and stay away from them as much as you can, especially during in pregnancy period. Scientist suggests through their researches, that it contains lots of parasites and bacterial presence in it which may acquire some harmful effect especially on those women’s are getting pregnant.

Women's need additional take care during pregnancy

the women’s need additional take care during pregnancy so, in such case you need to full fill your daily dietary needs with nutritional foods.

  • Complete your daily dietary need

Are you deficient in daily nutritional requirement? Do you know how baby fulfills their daily needs? Answer “it’s you”. Healthy mother leads to giving birth to a healthy baby. Mother’s health is very important for healthy babies.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

is a very important nutrition element while during pregnancy. Preparing your body for pregnancy and protect the newborn one from any birth defects and weakness. Aids in other pregnancy-related problem like deprived growth in the womb, underweight infants.

Support digestion: during pregnancy, your digestion should be remaining in perfect condition, otherwise you may have another issue such as lose weight and weak immune system which lead to falling sick very rapidly.


iron is also a compulsory mineral which can do a lot. Iron-deficient can lead to anemia, low red blood cell count, depression. Low oxygen level in your body due to you can feel fatigued, exhausted, and experiencing weakness.

Calcium & vitamin D

it is required for your healthy bones structure and strength. Vitamin D is also needed to intake along with your calcium enrich foods, which helps to increase absorption of calcium. The body takes Vitamin D from sunlight’s when your skin exposes to sunrays. But in many countries like high latitudes places where low sunlight exposure remain throughout the year. The people of their regions can get vitamin D through pills with a sufficient amount of dosages.

  • Exercise

Try to do some light exercises, which can easily maintain blood circulation throughout the body. Walking and doing yoga is a good option to keep your babies health at an optimal level. Better you can do yoga in presence of yoga instructor.

Before getting pregnant, be prepared or take care of your body almost 1-2 year before.

[Read: Top 8 essential natural effective beauty tips ]

Valuable tips useful during pregnancy

light bulb

  • Take comfortable proper sleep during pregnancy, which is quite helpful for both mothers and babies health. Compare to a normal woman, extra sleep is essential for a pregnant woman.
  • Start sharing your experiences with everyone somehow; it is quite helpful to deal with your pregnancy in a positive way. In pregnancy talking and sharing is the best idea to avoid tension and depression. You can share your daily experiences like- all about how you feel and what kind of changes occurs on a daily bases. You may suddenly realize that you feel better and gives you a total mind relaxation.
  • During pregnancy try to keep yourself happy and joyful as much as you can, actually it is not just a hard task as more you think about it. The mood swing is a natural phenomenon of a human being which is not easy to controllable. But if you are really serious about your pregnancy and your health issues, then make sure you can easily manage it.
  • Stay positive or think positive. It has a direct connection to your babies health to keep them mentally fit, alert and in future he or she when they grown-up they can easily cope with stress and depression. As we know that in today’s scenario, how we are living in a competitive world to achieve something, and everybody needs a lot of effort and focus to achieve own goals.
  • Keep drinking plenty of water to keep hydrate you. Dehydration may give an adverse effect during pregnancy like dizziness, cramps, and headaches.
  • Do not wear tight clothes. Try to find some different outfits to which you feel more comfortable and relax. Always prefer loose fitting clothes. Choose organic fabric like Cotton, silk, wool, and ramie.
  • During pregnancy, you should have to consume 4 to 6 meals each day. More eating is quite beneficial during pregnancy but always remembered to try to consume more quality and nutritional based foods.
  • Caring for your teeth and gums during pregnancy is very important if you are comparing it with other significant aspects. All of a sudden rise of hormone level in the body it’s begins tooth decay and enamel erosion, on the other hand, that period of the time generally women’s are eating a lot. Eating a lot means you have also the formation of plaque. If you want to protect yourself take essential precaution.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day to keep your gums and teeth healthy and clean.
  • Disease related to teeth, during pregnancy possibly will be lead to newborn babies remain underweight.
  • If you already have a teeth related problem then in such cases consult your local dentist.
  • Do you know in pregnancy your body wants 20% more oxygen intake?. Try to breathe some more fresh air in the morning to complete your daily oxygen requirement.
  • Try proper deep breathing exercises technique.
  • Lots of people having the habit of short breathing please check this out, if you have such tendency then try to pull out more breathe then regular days.
  • If possible, try to stay away from air pollution. And lots of exposure toward air pollution means poor growth in infant and literally, it does going to effect on the overall health of both mother and babies. If you have any previous asthmatic history so, on that note you need to take the medical assistance to handle it properly. Otherwise, you can be prepared on your own self. For that, you need to follow some safety measures in regard.
  • You can put a pollution filter mask, which helps you to breathe properly and also protect from dust or dirt.
  • An air purifier may be a good solution, to prevent you from a further damage and keeps your house “pollution free”.
  • In the first trimester, you can sleep on your back. But in the second trimester you should have to observe properly that what type of sleeping patterns is going to disturb you and if not comfortable change position, it’s all about you but in the third trimester babies growing very fast and normally you do not feel comfortable while sleeping with back and stomach you need to lay down properly on your left side which increases blood flow to placenta and the baby region.

Do you know! What kind of foods are actually works during pregnancy?


If you are a vegetarian then you should have to choose the right kind of food which can fulfill your daily dietary needs. although, there are many varieties of veggies are available right there, but in pregnancy, you need some extra care. Foods which are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

  • Spinach and asparagus

it is a rich source of copper, iron, calcium, vitamin K and vitamin B. If you are eating during pregnancy which is quite helpful to lower your iron deficiency, boost your hemoglobin level and also good for your bones density and structure.

Other highly useful sources of green leafy vegetables are Kale and Broccoli also these vegetables are same in vitamins and minerals. Always use dark green leafy vegetables.

  • Legumes, Beans, and Lentils

they are in a rich source of proteins, fiber, and much other nutritional content. Which is help out in the progress of fetus health and that contains a good amount of “folic acid” in it. It does also have a “protein” that helps baby to develop without any further defect.

  • Nuts and Berries are also beneficial for pregnancy; these superfoods have an antioxidants element which prevents DNA from further damage and also helps in to repair DNA.

They are loaded with folate, vitamin C, and potassium, fiber.

  • You should have to include in your meal “Greek yogurt” that contains lots of calcium which is quite helpful for your infant bones structure.
  • Salmon fish is a very good source of omega-3 fatty acid and protein. You need to avoid those seafood’s which are containing high quantity of mercury in them. That can lead to your baby’s birth defect and cause of nerve damage.

[Note: – Consume 2 to 3 servings in a week.]

Seafood to eat

Salmon, Shrimp, Sardine, Butterfish, Oyster, Squid, Lobster, Crab etc.

Avoid eating

Shark fish, Swordfish, Tilefish, Marlin, Bigeye tuna, Orange roughy, King mackerel.

Avoid foods during pregnancy.

  • Avoid eating all kind of undercooked food like – Meat and Poultry products (eggs).
  • Not to eat raw seafood and red meat (might contain parasites or bacteria).
  • Unpasteurized Milk and Juice (contains bacteria like E.coli, Salmonella, Listeria.)
  • Eat to avoid all junk foods.
  • Don’t consume raw sprouts during pregnancy (contains Salmonella and E.coli).

Manage diseases during pregnancy.

pregnant woman


Constipation is one of the common types of problem which is faced by the many women’s, particularly in pregnancy.

  • Drink enough water according to your body requirements. It helps out to remove constipation naturally, in facts, your body needs an adequate amount of water to soften your stools and then the body can easily be discarded your body waste.
  • Include in your diet more fiber content foods.  fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes & nut fibers. You can remain free from constipation naturally. Avoid consuming supplement from your own, if you are not getting any relief from constipation then consult your doctor to easily recover from it.
  • Most of the time some supplements are not suited during pregnancy or maybe an overdose of supplements then, you should have to consult your doc to resolve it and replace it with another source of supplements, in that case, your body be able to react properly. Most of the time overdose of Iron may lead to constipation.

Anxiety and depression

This is also a very common type of problems which most of the women’s faced during pregnancy. Think too much about baby’s health and delivery related issue like- complication, may have successful delivery or not and other family-related issues. Imbalances and changes suddenly occur in hormones inside the body. Due to this raising, the level of depression and anxiety during pregnancy are natural.

Take precautions

  • Talk more rather than keep quiet.
  • It is quite helpful to do some light exercises like walking, meditation, and the use of relaxation technique.
  • Take light massage to rejuvenate your soul, mind, and body.
  • Swollen veins (varicose): – during pregnancy, it is quite often to be noticeable of swollen veins near the surface of your skin. The baby required the proper amount of blood to supply them, then the pressure of blood seems to be the appearance of swollen veins.
  • Exercise is the natural way to get rid of swollen veins.
  • Sit with a proper posture and keep in mind that not to sit with cross legs. And also don’t stand and sit in one position for a long period of time.
  • Avoid eating those kinds of foods which are high in sodium. Don’t consume salt based food, instead of it, you can prefer a mountain or black salt. You should have to add a little amount of salt in your diet for regulating blood volume or other function of the body. Like ½ teaspoon.
  • Overweight is also a well-known reason for varicose veins, keep trying to maintain a healthy weight. Proper weight helps to reduce the risk of swollen veins.

Facts about pregnancy

  • The brain shrinks during pregnancy (In researches shows that reduce in gray matter, although it is good for mother and baby relationship).
  • Women’s heart and feet grow during pregnancy.
  • A women uterus can expand to more than 500 times its normal size.
  • All babies swallow their own pee in the womb.


In pregnancy, women’s need additional take care during pregnancy, rather than a regular period of the day. You need to focus over on a healthy diet, keep strengthen to yourself emotionally and do some physical exercises which keep you active. Take regular medication and healthy fresh diet to keep you stay fit.

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for both father & mother, but the mother is the only being bears the all such pains while giving birth to the baby. Do you ever think how much pain bear by a pregnant woman at the same time as a delivery process? In fact, in reality, the mother feels pain up to 15-20 bones getting fractured at the same time. so, give respect to women. After all, becoming a mother is such a wonderful and joyful experience in the entire world. After behind of every pain, what you achieve. You will receive the nectar of the heaven as a baby smile which is an ultimate resemblance of god (pure love) and incomparable satisfaction.

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