Cherry health benefits and side effects


Cherries are loaded with natural valuable nutrients in it. Generally, Cherry fruits belong to “genus prunus” it is come up with both varieties in flavor sour or tart and sweet or wild one. There are different types of cherries are available to us by nature- it is considered 900 to 1000 types of cherries existing. But, only farmers are produced such, those are highly demanding in current markets or commercially valuable to them. To know more about Cherry History, health benefits and side effects continue to read out. Those are 10 types of popular cherry varieties available to us.

  1. Tartarian
  2. Tieton
  3. Bing
  4. Brooks
  5. Sandra rose
  6. Utah giant
  7. Andy gee’s son
  8. Rainier
  9. Van
  10. Lapin

Know more about the different type of cherries

Tartarian Cherry

it looks like the shape of a heart and big in size. Nearly seems like black or dark purple in color. Taste remains sweeter and inside the flesh whole fruit are full of juice and flavorful. Also, it is available up to 5 months in between of May to September.

Tieton Cherry

This is one of the types and loaded with similar features. It is a little bit sweeter in taste. Come up with Very large in sizes, appealingly glossy and firm fruit. And it is capable to rip early as one week before others cherries. Color is shiny average red flesh. generally, it is available in the Month of May.

Bing Cherry

This is the most common cherry available to us that is majorly cultivated by the farmer’s variety of sweet in taste. In America vastly it is growing in the region of Oregon, Pacific Northwest, California, Wisconsin, Washington, and other regions as well. Also, it is high in anti-oxidants and comes up with black in color big in size.

Brooks Cherry

Amongst all cherries which are listing above, people like it very much. Thus, once it is fully ripped appears maroon or red in color. It is classified as a sweet cherry. Brook cherries are hybrid of Rainer & burlat cherries. It is also known as early season cherry. It is pretty much alike quality and tastes wise to the Bing cherry.

Sandra rose

according to its name, it is very similar in appearance and color. Also, it is very flavorful and the size of its pretty big. These appear in the round in shapes. And come up with moderately sweet in taste.

Utah giant

it is considered more rich in flavor and comes big in size, which is grown in Utah. Also, it is good in taste to compare then Bing and other cherries.

Andy gee’s son

medium sweet tender cherry. And its taste similar to the Tartarian cherries. Sizes of this cherry are small dark in color. Availability of this cherry in the early season increase from the rest of the other cherries.


it is considered as the finest type of cherry. It looks like as in yellowish golden in color along with resemblance of pink color. Generally, it is a hybrid of both Van & Bing cherry. Rainer cherry grew in big size. It is also known as high sugar cherry. Should to consume it as a fresh one, mostly in the seasonal period of time. That is available in the good quantity and also get the excellent benefits of it.


this cherry generally blossoms in the spring season and believed that is native to Canada. Appear as red glossy in color. Ripping before bing cherries. Van cherry is easily cultivated comparison to the other cherries.


it is the crossbreed of Stella and Van cherry. It is harvested in-between the months of May to June. Lapin is available to us sweet in flavor and dark red in appearance. Most of the time people sell it is as a self-fruitful fruit which means pollination is not required for this type of cherry. It is also known by Late season cherries.

Cherry health benefits

Cherry health benefits

Full of anti-oxidants

Due to anti-inflammatory elements and antioxidants substance in it. That makes it useful, in terms of getting rid of any type of disease. It is highly accepted as true it provides relief in such patients those are dealing with arthritis or osteoarthritis. And also it is high in antioxidants that help to fight against free radical damages caused by oxidation process within the body.

Good for Weight-Loss

According to the new researches after consumption of cherries up to 2 to 3 months. It is really helpful in the direction of reduces the concentration of fats in your blood. And therefore you can’t gain a lot of weight while you want to lose weight. It has contained soluble & insoluble fiber, antioxidants, and beneficial vitamins & minerals. That is helpful to boost up your metabolic rate.

Provide relief from pain

Tart cherries are also helpful in reducing inflammation inside the body. Those people are engaged in doing multiple exercises and want to lessen after effects of it like – pain and muscles spasm can be well treated by consumption of cherry on regular basis.

Good Sleep

Improve sleep pattern in people those are having such similar problems of disturbance cycle of sleep pattern in them. Experts consider that cherries are helpful to maintain melatonin level in a natural way inside your body.

Maintain overall good health

Cherries are highly beneficial for the different body parts that are: Heart, brain, kidney, cardiovascular and skin health. Cherries contain a good quantity of antioxidants, potassium, anthocyanins, and fiber in it.

Uric acid

if you are getting affected by uric acid formation inside your body by so long. So, due to this, you can face many problems in your life like gouts, unbearable pain in legs and as well as swelling in other body parts. According to the experts, if you include an appropriate amount of cherry in your diet on a regular basis you getting relief positively.

Migraines & Alzheimer diseases

cherries are also a good source of antioxidants, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. Therefore, doctors always recommended to their patients should to include in your diet. That is really helpful for faster recovery of this terrible circumstance. Also, it is good food for your brain.

Prevent cancer & good for your eyes

it has numbers of supportive vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help out to protect you from many unwanted diseases. It contains- antioxidants, Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, flavonoids, and anti-cancer properties.

Nutritional values in one cup of seedless Cherry 150 g 

Protein 1.59g
Fiber 3.15g
Water 123.38g
Sugar 19.23g
Calories 94.50kcal
Potassium 333mg
Phosphorus 31.50mg
Magnesium 16.50mg
Calcium 19.50mg
Carbohydrates 24.06g
Total Fat 0.30g
Vitamin-C 10.50mg
Vitamin-A 96IU
Zinc 0.11mg
Iron 0.54mg
Folate 6µg
Vitamin K 3.15 µg
Vitamin-D 0.00IU
B-6 0.08mg
Thiamin 0.05mg
Niacin 0.23mg
Riboflavin 0.05mg
Sodium 0.00mg
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.08g
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.08g
Trans fatty acid 0.00g
Total Saturated fatty acid 0.06g
Vitamin-12 0.00µg
Cholesterol 0.00mg

Cherry side effects

Allergies- avoid this fruit if you are sensitive toward cherries and may have a chance to develop allergies. When does it happen to you? Those people are already sensitive to this fruit and start to consume it in too much. As a result, they get infected by this too early.

Stomach upsets– especially the flavor of this fruit attract many peoples to consume it a lot. But, one thing should remember about it, too much eating of this fruit can bring imbalance into your digestion system. Thus, you feel lots of problems like- flatulence, bloating, and cramps.

Diabetes– should not add in your diet if you are suffering from diabetes. Just because it contains extra sugar comparison to the other fruits.

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There are many health benefits of cherries- Boost immune system, anti-aging properties in it, good for your eyesight and cough & cold. You can prevent yourself as of many unwanted physical disorders. Always consider purchasing the dark in color cherries for getting the best health-related benefits for you. Above all this, consume this fruit during the season on a daily basis, while it is easily available for you in your local markets on that period of time.

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