How to Get thick Hair Naturally

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How to get thick hair?

There is a strong correlation between our genes & healthy hair. Although there isn’t one “Magical” treatment for thicker hair, several natural therapies and way of life choices can promote healthy, thicker hair generally. Individual outcomes may differ, therefore it’s vital to remember that. For better guidance, speak with your dermatologist or other healthcare providers. How to get thick hair- the following list of natural therapies has been successfully used by so many people in the past as well as until now and it is also scientifically proven.

Nutrition for Your Hair

For healthy thick hair, a well-balanced diet high in nutrients like vitamins and minerals is essential. In Addition, mentioned below are some recommended Vitamins & minerals crucial for hair development such are…


Essential for thicker and more vigorous hair development. Add items Foods such as eggs, dairy products, nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds (sunflower seeds), and whole grains contain biotin. Supplementing with biotin may increase hair thickness and decrease hair loss, according to researchers.

Vitamin D

Hair loss is associated with low vitamin D levels. So, vitamin D levels can be fulfilled easily by including in our daily diets like:  fatty fish, and dairy products fortified with calcium, and taking proper exposure to sunshine.


Hair loss condition may be associated with an iron shortage in your body. Because of, please make sure, to include those foods in your diet, which are high in iron like- dark leafy greens (spinach, kale), lentils, red meat, chicken, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, and fortified cereals.

Omega-3 fatty acids

These healthy sources of fats are included in walnuts, seeds of flax, seafood, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Also, these vital fatty acids help maintain the health of the scalp and can lead to better, thicker hair.   

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary for the strength and thickness of hair. Add items such as tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, kiwis, and citrus fruits (grapefruits, oranges, and lemons).


Include foods high in zinc, such as oysters, steak, lamb, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and chickpeas. Zinc deficiency has been linked to hair loss.

Vitamin E 

This antioxidant vitamin can promote the health of your hair. Add sources such as avocado, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, and olive oil

Vitamin A 

Vitamin A aids in the production of sebum, which hydrates the scalp and encourages the development of healthy hair. Add foods such as liver, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, and carrots.

Scalp Massage

Hair growth may be encouraged by scalp massages that improve blood flow to the hair follicles. According to research in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, individuals’ hair thickness grew dramatically after receiving a daily four-minute head massage throughout twenty-four weeks. So, you can use it for thicker & faster hair growth.

Essential Oils for thick hair

The potential of a few varieties of essential oils to encourage thick hair growth has been investigated mentioned below:

Rosemary oil

According to research that was published in Skinmed, rosemary oil may be just as successful in stimulating hair growth as minoxidil, a well-known hair growth therapy.

Peppermint oil

A piece of research published in Toxicological Research discovered that, possibly as a result of its medicinal properties, peppermint oil promoted hair growth in mice.

Onion Juice

This may help encourage the development of hair, although the sulfur elements in it might be unpleasant. According to a tiny study that was published in the Journal of Dermatology, participants’ hair growth was enhanced by applying onion juice to their scalps twice a day for two months.

Aloe Vera

This may help the scalp because of its anti-inflammatory and hydrating qualities. Aloe vera gel may encourage hair development by lowering inflammation and improving blood flow to the scalp, according to a few small studies.

Indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberry oil is also very effective in promoting the thickness and strength of your hair.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Other factors that promote general hair health (stress reduction, getting enough sleep, and avoiding harsh chemical treatments or excessive heat styling practices).

Do you know about your hair? Let’s find out!!

Hair follicles buried in the epidermis, the outer layer of skin, create the protein keratin, which is the primary component of hair, a filamentous structure. The medulla, cortex, and cuticle are the three layers that make up each hair strand. The innermost layer is called the medulla, and it is followed by the cortex, which has pigment cells that determine the color and strength of hair. Protecting the cortex is the outermost covering, or cuticle, which is made up of overlapping scales.

There are three basic phases of hair development cycles: telogen (resting), catagen (transitional), and anagen (active growth). Hormones, diet, general health, and heredity are some of the factors that affect hair development. In addition to regulating body temperature, hair also protects the skin from UV rays and enhances sensory awareness. Texture, color, and density differ people to people.

Hair Structure

1. Hair Shaft: A portion of hair that is present above the layer of skin’s surface.

2. Cuticle: Made up of overlapping scales that shield the inner layers of the hair shaft, the cuticle is the outermost layer.

3. Cortex: The hair shaft’s central layer, which contains pigment cells that affect the color and density of the hair.

4. Medulla: The hair shaft’s deepest layer, which is occasionally missing from fine or light-colored hair.

5. Hair Follicle: The skin structure that stimulates and facilitates the growth of hair.

6. Hair Bulb: The point at which a hair follicle starts to develop hair.

7. Sebaceous Gland: A gland found in hair follicles that secretes sebum, a naturally occurring oil that hydrates and shields skin and hair.

8. Arrector Pili Muscle: The little muscle known as the arrector pili is linked to the hair follicle and contracts in reaction to cold or emotional stress, which makes the hair stand straight up (goosebumps).

“Herbal” remedy for thick hair

Indian gooseberry (amla)

Amla, which is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, is thought to hydrate the shafts of hair and encourage the development of new hair.

Bhringraj, also known as Epifeta Alba, is a plant that has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to thicken, prevent, and encourage hair growth.

 Fenugreek (Methi) 

It is said that the iron, protein, and other nutrients in fenugreek seeds stimulate hair follicles and encourage thick hair growth.

 Aloe Vera

The calming and moisturizing qualities of aloe vera gel are well-known. For this reason, it is thought to thicken hair, lessen dandruff, and encourage hair growth.


Because of its ability to promote hair growth and density, ginseng is frequently utilized in the manufacture of hair care products.


It’s said that using rosemary oil would increase scalp circulation, For this reason, it will encourage the development and thickness of hair.


Because of its relaxing perfume and ability to encourage hair development, lavender oil is frequently used in aromatherapy and hair care products.


By boosting circulation, peppermint oil is said to provide a cooling impact on the scalp in addition may encourage hair growth.

Saw palmetto

This plant, which is frequently included in herbal remedies for hair loss, is thought to prevent testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can cause premature hair loss.


Because of its conditioning qualities, which may assist in increasing hair thickness, hibiscus flowers, and leaves are traditionally used in hair care products.

These plants may be used in teas, oils, extracts, and DIY hair masks, among other combinations. It’s crucial to remember that each person may react differently to herbal remedies. Before utilizing any new herb or product, you must, however, conduct a patch test, particularly if you have skin that is sensitive or symptoms of allergies.

Whenever utilizing herbal remedies for thicker hair, persistence, and patience are essential because it might take some time for the benefits to show. For individualized guidance and treatment choices, it is advisable to speak with a healthcare provider if you have any underlying medical disorders as well as worries about the wellness of your hair.

Scientific Advise for Thick Hair

Listed below are some hair thickness-promoting strategies that have been proven by science:


For good hair development & thick hair, a diet high in vitamins, minerals, and proteins must be balanced. The health of hair has been related to nutrients such as biotin, vitamin E, vitamin D, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Include items in your diet such as fruits, nuts, leafy greens, salmon, and eggs.

Scalp Health

Encouraging the thickness of hair requires a clean, healthy scalp. Therefore, to avoid blocked hair follicles, frequent washing with a light shampoo and conditioner can help eliminate extra oil and dirt.

 Gentle Hair Care

Steer clear of tight hairstyles, chemical-based products, and excessive heat styling since they can harm the hair shaft and cause breakage. When untangling damp hair, use a wide-toothed comb and try to avoid using too much heat styling equipment.

 Scalp massage

By stimulating hair follicles and enhancing circulation, scalp massage can encourage the development and thickness of your hair. Therefore, for a few minutes each day, lightly massage your scalp using the tips of your fingers or a scalp massager.

Hair Growth Treatments

It has been empirically demonstrated that a few over-the-counter medications, such as minoxidil (Rogaine), can increase the volume and growth of hair in both men and women. To observe effects, these therapies generally tend to be used continuously for a few months.

Prescription Drugs

Finasteride (Propecia), a prescription medicine, may be suggested in certain situations of hair loss or thinning. In addition, As time passes, these drugs can aid in enhancing hair thickness by inhibiting the hormone that causes hair loss. Before any type of self-medication please make sure to consult with your doctor.

Hair Supplements

Research has been done on the possible benefits of several supplements for enhancing the health and thickness of hair, such as biotin and marine collagen. However, before beginning any new supplement, you must consult with your family physician.

Control Stress

Prolonged stress has been linked to thinning and hair loss. Therefore, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation are examples of stress-reduction practices that may enhance general hair health.

Frequent Exercise

Research has shown that regular exercise improves circulation, which is advantageous to hair follicles and encourages the creation of new hair. On most days of the week, try to get in at least thirty minutes of physical activity.

Speak with a Dermatologist

If you’re worried about hair loss or thinning, you should have to speak with a dermatologist who focuses on hair issues. Because of this, they can assess your situation, provide suggestions that are unique to you, and offer courses of action.

Keep in mind that personal variables can also affect hair thickness, including age, genetics, and underlying medical disorders. It’s critical to take a comprehensive approach to hair care and exercise patience because noticeable increases in hair thickness might not happen right away.

Hair Follicle Stem Cells

A few Studies on the function of hair follicle stem cells in hair thickness and growth are still ongoing. Researchers are looking for ways to work with these stem cells to thicken and encourage hair growth.

Genetics and Hair Thickness

Research on the genetic components influencing hair thickness has been conducted. Afterward, researchers are figuring out which genetic variants are linked to hair thickness and how they impact the growth and function of hair follicles.

Hormonal Influences

An imbalance in hormones might have an impact on hair thickness. Recent studies have looked at how hormones like estrogen and androgens control the thickness and development of hair, especially in cases like “androgenetic alopecia”.

Nutritional Interventions

Studies on how diet affects hair health, particularly thickness, are still being conducted. Numerous vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements have been studied for their potential to increase hair thickness and growth.

 Medical Devices

Research is also being done on the latest developments in medical devices for thickening and hair regrowth. This includes tools that are intended to stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth, such as micro-needling tools and low-level laser treatment tools.

[ Like to Read: Mesotherapy for hair growth ]

The hair on the body has distinct qualities and functions from head hair, including:

Hair Role & functionality in Your Body

    Human hair locates different body parts

        Head hair: Found on the scalp, covering the top of the head.

        Body hair: Found on various parts of the body, including the chest, arms, legs, pubic area, armpits, and face.

    Growth Rate

        Head hair: Typically grows faster than body hair.

        Body hair: Generally grows slower compared to head hair.

    Texture and Thickness

        Head hair: Often thicker and coarser compared to body hair.

        Body hair: Can be finer and softer compared to head hair, although this varies depending on the individual.

Do you know? What is the role of hair in your body?

Body hair: In the past, it was thought that body hair protected the skin from the elements and served as insulation. But of days, its function is less obvious. According to certain views, it could be connected to pheromone transfer or have evolutionary importance.

Head Hair: The function of head hair is to shield the scalp from direct sunlight, act as insulation, and help control body temperature. It has aesthetic value as well.

Development Patterns of Your Hair 
Head hair: Usually grows away from the scalp in a constant direction.
Body hair: Growth patterns might alter as people age & may vary in various areas of the body.

 Hair Length:

Head hair: If left untrimmed or uncut, it can grow to considerable lengths.
Body hair: Generally shorter than head hair, however, it can vary in length according to hormonal and genetic effects.

How does the Hormonal Influence impact the hair? 

Head Hair: As evidenced by disorders like male pattern baldness or changes in hair texture throughout adolescence, hormonal swings can have an impact on the quantity and quality of head hair.
Body hair: Hormones have an impact on the growth of body hair as well, with variations in density and distribution across genders and people. 

In conclusion, body hair and head hair are different in terms of location, growth rate, texture, function, and cultural importance, yet they are similar in that they are both made of keratin and originate from hair follicles.

Fruits for your healthy & thick hair

Fruits can help promote hair development and thick hair, but no single fruit can do it on its own. However, including specific fruits in your diet can supply vital vitamins and elements that promote healthy hair overall. The following fruits have a reputation for perhaps aiding in the development of hair


High in vitamin C, berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries help produce collagen, a protein crucial to hair strength. Antioxidants included in them also aid in protecting hair follicles from harm.

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are great providers of vitamin C, which is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and the absorption of iron, two processes that are critical to the well-being of hair development.


Rich in potassium, natural oils, and vitamins A, C, and E, bananas help improve hair elasticity and moisturize the scalp, thereby contributing to hair health.


Packed with vitamins B and E, avocados may fortify and shield hair strands. Furthermore, the scalp and hair follicles are nourished by the good fats found in avocados.


High in vitamin A, because of papaya aids in the production of sebum, the natural oil found on the scalp that keeps hair hydrated and supports general scalp health.


Rich in vitamin C, guavas promote the creation of collagen, because it is necessary for strong, healthy hair development. Antioxidants included in it also aid in protecting hair from harm.


Packed full of vitamin C, kiwis encourage the production of collagen for strong, healthy hair.


Pineapple includes the enzyme bromelain and vitamin C, which can help strengthen the scalp and encourage hair development.

[ Also Read: Pineapple Health Benefits ]

Recall that although these fruits can benefit the health of your hair overall, optimum hair development requires a balanced diet rich in a range of nutrients.

Food that is Good for thick hair & faster hair growth

A healthy lifestyle, appropriate hydration, and the consumption of nutrients that promote hair health are all important factors in promoting hair development. The following is a list of meals high in vital elements that support good hair growth:

Foods High in Protein 

Since protein makes up the majority of hair, eating enough of it is essential. Provide references to things like lean foods like turkey, chicken, and lean beef.

Omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish, particularly fatty varieties like mackerel and salmon, are recommended.

Eggs are the best source of biotin & B vitamins.

Leafy Green Vegetables 

High in vitamins A and C, leafy greens, such as Swiss chard, spinach, and kale, help to produce sebum, the natural oil that lubricates hair and supports a healthy scalp.

Nuts and seeds 

These varieties of nuts are excellent providers of vitamins, minerals, and necessary fatty acids that promote healthy hair.

Vitamin E, found in almonds, walnuts, and other nuts, helps strengthen hair.

Zinc and omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds can help maintain the health of the scalp.

Legumes and Beans

Rich in iron, zinc, biotin, and protein—all necessary for good hair development—legumes and beans are a great source of these nutrients. Black beans, chickpeas, and lentils are a few examples.

Whole Grains 

Iron, zinc, and B vitamins are among the elements found in whole grains that are critical for healthy scalps and hair development. Eat a diet rich in whole wheat, quinoa, brown rice, and oats.

Good Fats 

Hair development, scalp health, & thick hair are supported by essential fatty acids. Include foods like coconut oil, avocados, fatty salmon, and olive oil in your daily diet.

Dairy Products 

Rich in calcium and protein which are essential for hair growth. Dairy products include yogurt, cheese, and milk. If you’re watching your calorie consumption, go for non-fat or low-fat products.

Sweet potatoes & Carrots

Carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which the body uses to make vitamin A. Healthy cell growth and maintenance, including that of hair cells, are facilitated by vitamin A.


Maintaining proper hydration is vital for good overall health, which includes healthy & thick hair. To keep your body and hair hydrated throughout the day, sip on lots of water.

Process foods & added sugars

Reducing processed foods and added sugars in your diet can help prevent inflammation, which can affect your entire health, including the quality of your hair. Instead, pay attention to entire, nutrient-dense meals.


Apart from including these nutrients in your diet, you may also encourage healthy & thick hair development by leading a stress-free lifestyle, exercising frequently, staying hydrated, avoiding excessive heat and chemical treatments, and managing your stress levels. It is always a good idea to seek individual counsel from a certified dietitian or healthcare expert if you have special concerns about your diet or hair.

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