How to keep your Vag clean and Smelling good


Why is it very important to keep your vagina clean and smelling good?   First of all, it is good for your vagina’s health and keeps yourself free from various types of infections too. Other advantages of it, that is also helpful to build up a good healthy relationship with your partner. The most important thing about it you and your partner remains healthy via following this simple practice. Entrance & outer surface area of your vagina is also called “vulva”. This particular vulva area is made up of by two different layers that are labia outer & labia inner which resides outside of your vagina. Hence, how to keep your Vag clean and smelling good 12 best methods explain hear in this topic let’s check…

Irritation, itchiness and foul odor: regularly persists on that particular area, which means it may be an indication of that you must have to take care of your private parts carefully. Also, if you are noticing along with this that some kind of unusual changes come across related with your “discharge”. For this, without a further delay take some essential preventive measures or consult with your doctors for appropriate treatment.

In Fact, the women’s vagina secretes natural feminine odor. But, once its natural inner climate level disrupts by any form, it does not remain same. So, it is most important to keep you vag clean and smelling good. Always take care of your genital organs with a natural approach.

How vaginal infections spread out so easily?

Some of this required good microscopic living organism is already existed inside the female vagina according to the experts. But, what happens when we are without think a bit, indulging with unsafe “sexual practices” and “unhygienic way” of dealing with your private parts. As a result, other types of unknown organism & bacteria going to rapidly increases due to the many infections which are introduced into your vagina by yourself. it may be due to the lack of information.

Also, women’s are really hesitated a lot about to ask related problems of their private parts, even with their gynecologist. The best part is here of your solution. So, here we are going to discuss some Top 12 best method’s to keep your vagina clean and smelling good.  Let’s check it out.


Top 12 ways to keep your Vag clean and smelling good  

1. Best ways to keep your vagina healthy

it is one of the very popular and simple methods we all know, but the fact is that we don’t want to implement on us. let’s move on the topic So for this, you should have to clean your vagina at least twice a day with Luke warm water. According to the doctor’s, people should not use to wash their vagina with harsh & fragrance soaps in any form. Instead of this, they can opt, only the vagina friendly soaps. Why not have to do so; the actual fact is behind this cause is the pH balance of genital organs gets disturbed.

2. Avoid excessive using of female hygienic products

why these day’s many women’s interest are inclined towards these hygiene & sanitation products increases rapidly? According to the doctors or experts, it is not worthy and simply wastage of your money as well. Also, they say discharge and releases come out from your vagina in the form of fluids is a natural phenomenon.

And big companies are for selling their products circulate in the society such kind of propaganda that it is a very bad or unhealthy kind of things.  Also, doc suggests that further use of these types of products brings in women’s: pregnancy-related complications, pH balance getting disturbed in vagina cause of it and you simply attract more infection.

3. How to reduce sweatiness in vaginal outer parts or vulva region

in general, this area is mainly covered up by the pubic hair. And along with this sweat gland that is also present over there high in number. As a result, your genital organs can sweat too and cause odors. According to the experts, it is happened due to many reasons like eating spicy food are in much in quantities, wearing tight & unsuitable cloth outfits, hot flashes due to menopause.

For reducing sweatiness in particular region”– take hormonal therapies if you think it is caused by hormonal imbalance, after taking a proper consultation from your doc, spend most of your time in suitable temperatures it will help out to keep your body temperature in a cool state.

4. Use tampons instead of sanitary pads

both options are great for you. But, tampons are the better option in such case you want to prevent smelling or odor. One thing definitely remembered about the tampons it should be changed after 4 to 8 hours. Otherwise, women’s can experience some type of toxic shock syndrome. Benefits of tampons 🙂 1) Easy to carry and change it whenever you required. 2) Gives you physical freedom. 3) No damp feeling.

5. How to keep your vagina smelling good in condition

food & some bad activities are mattered a lot in such a situation, where we talking about the natural approaches of keeping out your vagina from bad smelling.

First, we need to focus on our foods. What type of foods do we feed to our body? What should we feed or not feed for better smelling of the vagina?


Foods’ for better smelling of the vagina
Foods should avoid for bad smelling of the vagina

Add more fresh fruits in your daily diet. Pineapple, oranges, bananas, apples, strawberry, red grapes, cranberry, mint, Indian gooseberry, and honey.


Reduces more Coffee intake if you sense such type of problems.

Consume fresh green leafy vegetables. Avoid the starchy one.

Onions & Garlic.

Include some Probiotic-foods that help to restore good bacteria in the vagina like- yogurt, microalgae, kefir, miso.

Processed & spicy foods.

Consume enough amount of water to fulfill your body requirements and which also helps out to flush out toxin from your body. 

Avoids sugary foods, which may increase yeast Infection inside your vagina. And the cause of bad smelling.

Include some healthful Nuts in your diet.

Reduce too much intake of –animal protein, dairy products, and sugar.

Second, we talk about other things- if you are practicing more smoking & alcohols in your day to day life. it probably one of the reason cause of, your body produces more sweat and body odor. It observed in many people’s after they quit smoking and limit their alcohol intake. It helps to reduce excessive production of sweat in them. According to experts- these kinds of harmful chemicals which reside in cigarettes and alcohol. It totally alters your body fluids in a bad way.

6. Shave & Trim off your pubic hair

Female razor

it is not really directly linked up with your vagina clean & smelling kind of issues at all. But, once you are not maintaining proper hygiene and take care of your vagina. It may be the chance to grow yeast infections and harmful bacteria in it. So, if you have a busy lifestyle and other reasons you don’t have enough time for it to taking care of your gentile organs appropriately. Better is this, shave your pubic hair which is helpful in a lot to prevent you from unwanted diseases related to your vagina.

7. Unsafe sexual practices can cause of unhealthy vagina

most of the time it seems that women’s maintaining their genital organs cautiously. But, after all of that, they experienced unhealthy vaginas or even bad smelling problems. So, for this, you need to check out other factors. It could be due to your improper sexual practices.

While you indulging in some sexual practices with done by unprotected ways. So, then it may increase the chance of unknown bacteria’s maybe get enter inside of your vagina without of your knowledge. Because of that, it may affect your sexual organ healths so badly. Always keep in mind such important things- use condoms, don’t penetrate your vagina with unclean objects, and also your partner private parts should be remains clean before engaging in sexual activities.

8. Wash your undergarments on a regular basis


it is the best method to get rid of unnecessary diseases due to cause of by wearing of unclean clothes. Also, this kind of tiny effort protects you from genital or vaginal odors. You can also use herbal washing detergents instead of chemical ones. These are not going to interfere in any way with your vagina pH balance so it is safe.

9. For a vagina smells good! A hormonal checkup is necessary

it may occur due to the hormonal imbalances. Once your inner ecosystem is disrupted by the cause of any reason. So, better is this to find out actual causes behind this. Consult the doctor and get tested.

10. Clean your genital organs

each and every time- after urinating, pass out the discharge, and after sexual intercourse. It is very important to wash or clean properly your vagina. Always remember that wipe correctly it should be always in the direction of front to back.

11. Drink plenty amount of water

as we all know, drinking ample amount of water is very good for your health. But, we generally don’t do this. There are so many health-related benefits of it; it is work like a natural cleanser of your internal organs. Once your toxic level goes down below at the risk level you will experience your body surprisingly free of odor. For this, you need have to supply the proper amount of water to your body for better utilizing.

12. Perform some Healthy Exercises

a regular exercise is very important in terms of to keep up your overall health at an optimum level. Better to think about it more bring in reality. and if you think What benefits to your vagina from this? It helps to maintain good pH level inside your vagina and also prevent your sexual organs against unwanted infections.  it generally, strengthen your body defense mechanism.   


Safety measures you need to follow to eliminate all related condition

  • Prefer to wear natural cotton made underwear which keeps you in freshen state in a longer period of time and also these are skin friendly too.
  • Try to avoid different types of manufactured undergarments such are polyester, nylon, and other harmful man-made fabrics.
  • Wash your undergarments on a regular period of time with the help of good detergent powders and also try to avoid too much use of them.
  • Always use soft, fresh, and clean toilet papers to clean-up those particular areas. don’t use clothes because of they may have contains suspicious bacteria in it.
  • Try to avoid own prepared or market available vaginal douches; it is not good for your vaginal health according to the experts. What is douching? Women’s generally used it in the combination of “vinegar” and “water” to wash out the vagina. The negative impact of vaginal douches on your overall health- it brings pregnancy complication in women’s, cervical cancer, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and disrupt of your natural balance of organism inside the vagina.
  • According to the doctors, the “acidity of vagina” automatic manages bad bacteria of over there. You don’t need, have to use other harmful products. Instead of this, simply with the help of lukewarm water and mild soap, you can keep your vaginal health at an optimal level.
  • Try not to wear wet clothes for a longer period of time; cause of it may increase the chance of getting an infection in the vaginal region. And you should have to change it without a delay. Especially when you finish-off your session of the gym, aerobics, swimming, and when coming back from your work. 
  • If you want to use some chemical fragrant or perfumed in any condition. And also want to keep up your vagina healthy. Instead of directly applying on a particular part or region apply these things nearby your thigh.

[ like to Read: 10 Best Natural ways to prevent Pregnancy ]


A most noteworthy feature, regular checkup of your private parts is necessary for in terms of giving you an absolute surety about of your vaginal health. According to the experts, “vagina” or “vulva” itself is a self-cleaning mechanism created by nature. You no need have to too much worry about it. Also, if anything you get noticed unusual about your gentile organs like- pains make you uncomfortable and the infection spread out already over on particular region. So, for this consult immediately with your gynecologist or doc for the suitable treatment.

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