How to Detox your Kidneys and Bladder? Top 20 Natural Remedies

The kidney plays an important role in our body. So, we need to take care of them and the medical checkup is most important to ensure that they are properly functioning in our body or not. Because of the kidney does not give any malfunction sign & symptoms in the starting stage of person, unfortunately, people get know about it until it did not reach toward the very last stage. According to the experts, early diagnoses of the kidney patent through the symptom that is quite not possible comparatively to the other diseases. Once the patent reaching toward its final stage people become start to remain alert about their health. But, it is too late for this. You will get here proper solution in this perspective. How to Detox your Kidneys and Bladder? Top 20 Natural Remedies.

Also, the “urinary bladder” is so well connected with the pathway of kidneys. Once the filtration process is completed inside the kidney, then waste fluid (urine) is starting to accumulate in your urinary bladder. Our “Bladder” health also plays an important role in the human body like a kidney. Some people have such tendency they unable to control their urine. Mostly it happens in while sleep and somehow, affected peoples are simply losses day by day an average urine storage capacity of the urinary bladder.

What is the normal functioning of kidneys? – It purifies your whole blood which is present into your system, also helpful in maintaining the overall fluid balance of your body, hormone secretion, and support to detoxify your body waste products through urine. Human has two Kidneys which are bean-shaped organs which reside nearby back side of your abdomen and found at the end of the ribcage.

Identify kidney disease with popular warning signs

  • Bad or strong Smell comes out from your mouth.
  • You can start to experience “Metallic taste”.
  • Very easily get infected by the cold.
  • During urination, if you been experiencing some kind of burning sensation; it might be the indication of kidney disease. so be alert!
  • Also, if you have an urge to go for the frequent urination.
  • Increase blood pressure.
  • Start to feel weakness inside the body.
  • Certainly, you may get noticed, come up to swelling in a certain part of your body. It may be an indication of kidneys disorders.
  • Suddenly your hunger may be poles apart comparatively to your daily hunger desired for the food. If you get noticed, something changes in a recent period of time, not try to ignore it. Checkup your important organs with a lab test. It may happen due to some other reasons but, this problem persists for a longer period of time and it can be possible.

Detox your kidneys and bladder? Top 20 Natural Remedies

In terms of keeping your kidneys remain clean than you need have to add in your diet fruits (blueberries, cherries, cranberries, and gooseberry), vegetables (beetroots, radish leaves, spinach, onion salad), and herbs (punarnava, dandelion root, Rehmannia). Kidneys health also plays an important role in balancing electrolytes and contributing to essential hormones for the smooth functioning of the entire body.

  1. Watermelon juice


according to the “Ayurveda” watermelon juice is highly beneficial for initial stage kidney patients or very effective for those people want to detoxify their kidney and urinary bladder. 1 to ½ glasses of watermelon juice twice a day; along with this, a patient needs to monitor their health condition from time to time. Watermelons are a good source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin-A, B-Complex, Potassium, Cucurbitacin E (antioxidants), Magnesium, and also it is come up with low calories. Watermelon has anti-inflammatory effects too.

If you have some doubt about- Is it providing a positive effective result for you or not? Like- reducing swelling, backache, and other related issues. Otherwise, if you are noticing some adverse effects of it then immediately stop to consume it. But, in general, it happens only with the advance kidney patients. Although, it supports a lot toward detoxifying your kidney and bladder in a natural way. Watermelons work as diuretic within your body. So, try to consume fresh ripe organic watermelon for this.

Watermelon seeds are mostly used to flush out kidney stones from the body.

Why it is not recommended for advanced kidney disease? On that particular period of duration doctor naturally reduces daily fluid consumption intake, just because of your kidneys are incapable to process or filter properly such amount of water within your body.

But, on the other hand, it works well for beginner patients and for normal people.


  • Watermelon is one of such fruit should consume after properly cool down. Also, never consume a watermelon fruit on a summer day after directly pluck out straight to the plant.
  • Not consume this healthful drink more than a recommended quantity (for the kidney patients).
  1. Highly beneficial to drink “plenty amount of Water” for kidneys health

    for the detoxification of kidneys individual should have to drink plenty amount of water throughout a day. It is an all-time natural cleanser for the whole body and especially for the kidneys. And keep the individual’s body remains hydrated all day long.

Also, wish for the energetic start-up of your day you can take lemon with water in an empty stomach in the morning period of time after wake up.

How much water should consume per day? Minimum 2 to 3 liters of water should consume by individuals to flush out toxins from your kidneys and bladder.

Fluid or liquid plays an important role in our body to keep it hydrated and help to the proper functioning of our various important body organs.

No.1 choice of Health experts- they always recommended drinking an adequate amount of water throughout a day that helps to naturally detoxify your entire human system. Also, easily flush out any type of stone formation which is happening inside your kidneys and bladder.


  • the kidney patient must take your doctor or dietician advice to fulfill your water requirement according to the individual body needs.
  1. Corn Silk


did you know? Corn silks are much effecter than a corn seed in terms of cleansing your kidneys. A lot of people are not much aware of the significance of corn silk. So, that’s why they threw it like a waste product into the trash. Some of the recent studies prove that corn silk has enough potential to bring back kidneys life.

How to use- take 50 to 10 gm of corn silk and boil it for a while, up to 5 to 10 min also it will alter the color of water. After it is come down in the normal temperature, sip in an empty stomach for getting the absolute results.

  1. Take through your diet enough potassium

    try to include in your diet enough potassium throughout a day for keeping your kidneys clean. Grapes, Banana, Kiwis, Peanuts, Yogurt, Milk, and much more things are a good source of potassium. So, try to include in your daily diet some fresh organic fruit juice and vegetable juice to keep out all toxin eliminates from the body.


  • High level of potassium intake is considered potentially dangerous for kidney patients. It is better to consult with your health practitioners. What is the right amount of potassium requirement according to your current health status?
  1. Include some barley in your diet

    try to consume barley water to get maximum and instant benefits of it. Likewise, you can also add barley grain instead of refined wheat flour. Mostly diet oriented biscuits that are available in the markets made up of barley grains.

How to use– you have needed for this; only some handful fresh barely for yourself, soak down this barley into the water at least 3 to 4 hours to release all “kidney goodness” inside the water.

Benefits– help in weight loss, work as a natural cleanser for your body, full of fiber, and good for your digestion.

  1. Best natural kidney cleanser “Cranberries”


This fruit is highly recommended by the experts in aid of kidney detoxification. So, try to include in your diet adequate amount of “cranberries”. It has “Tannin” an especial active component found in this fruits that helps to detoxify your kidney and bladder from unwanted bacteria & toxins.

For the detoxification of your kidneys and bladder drink cranberries juice in an empty stomach half an hour before from your breakfast. Also, you can add and use in the form of dried cranberries along with your flakes, oatmeals, and smoothies.

Important nutritional values: found in this fruit that are proanthocyanidins (antioxidant), fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, B-complex, and Vitamin-C, K, E, A.

Benefits– Lower urinary infections, blood pressure, kidney disease and keep it your digestive tract in a healthy state.


  • Always use the fresh cranberry juice instead of readymade packaged one and try to avoid consuming those concentration juices easily available in your grocery stores. Just because of cranberry juice losses their supportive kidney and bladder related nutritional values over the period of time.
  • People should not have to consume this fruit with your blood thinning medication. It may interfere with them.
  • Higher quantity consumption of this fruit may give an adverse effect on your health. So, try to consume it in necessitate required quantity.
  1. Another proven way to clean up your kidneys “Seaweed”

    now, these days seaweeds are gaining popularity amongst fitness freaks and health conscious people around the world. Do you know! It is a foremost part of Japanese, Korean, and chines food cousin. For the reason that Japanese peoples are live more than average life compared to any other countries people. For the reason that Seaweeds are highly nutritious foods so their demand recently going by increase in the past few years in the markets around the globe.

Seaweeds are come up with many varieties like- Spirulina, Chlorella, and Wakame (brown algae mostly eat as a salad form).

Benefits- Overcome Thyroid disease, cardiovascular health, urinary bladder, helpful to stabilizing blood sugar level in humans, kidneys, improve digestion.

Nutritional facts- B-complex, B-12, flavonoids, antioxidants, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, folate, omega-3, Vitamins-A, E, C, K, and polysaccharides (antioxidants).


  • Due to a high quantity of iodine present in seaweeds leads to thyroids related issues in some people.
  • Very important note related to consuming this superfood; should not have to consume more than recommended quantity or in high amount. For the reason that, this is come up with toxic metals like- mercury, cadmium, and lead. Kidney patients totally avoid this food or consult with doctors.
  • Also, avoid taking along with Blood-thinning medications.
  1. Dandelion root tea

    it has lots of therapeutic health benefits. Dandelion tea is commonly used as a folk remedy in many countries for treating the various kind of diseases since long back. Dandelion tea is possibly safe for many peoples. According to the experts, dandelion tea is basically used for cleansing your liver, kidneys, and bladder. Also, it is very effectual to treat urinary tract infection (UTI).

Benefits- urinary tract infection, weight-loss, good for your digestion, acne, used as a liver tonic, anti-inflammation, decrease blood pressure, and also this present era it is vastly used as a kidney & urinary bladder detoxification.

Nutritional values- folate, Vitamine-E,A,C, and K, B-complex, fiber, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and polyphenols (antioxidants).

Used as many ways– like- raw and dried root, leaves, and flowers.

How to prepare– take some grounded dandelion root (dried) and add into a required amount of hot water and let them steep for about 8 to 10 minutes. Also, you can make use of fresh leaves and flower of this plant for preparing the tea.

  1. Rehmannia (Chinese herb)


rehmannia herb is a well renowned traditional Japanese, Chinese, and Korean medication. A medicinal flowering plant. For the treatment of many diseases like- it highly considered, this herb is helpful in balancing “Yin energy” inside the body. According to the Chinese herbal naturopathy, a body has two most dominant opposite energies reside that is called yin (Negative, feminine) and yang (Positive, masculine). If, one getting imbalance both of these dominant energies “Yin and Yang” inside any human body, that increases more of the chance of getting entered unwanted disease into your body.

Helpful in detoxifying your overall bodily system. Mostly, it exceptionally works great on the kidney and urinary bladder part of our body.

How to use- this traditional herb is basically used as root and along with remaining part of this plant as well.

Benefits- fever, high blood pressure, cleansing, a neurodegenerative disorder, anti-diabetic, general tonic, boost the immune system, osteoporosis and restore “Yin” deficiency.

How to use- before using it is better to consult any Chinese herbal practitioners for getting the absolute health benefits of this herb.


  • It may have some potential risk for some people like- pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, reach out from the children or kids, and allergic people.
  1. Stinging nettle tea

Stinging nettle

according to the many experts along with enough vegetable and fruit juices intake, stinging nettle tea is the healthiest option for detoxifying your kidneys and bladder.

Drinking of Stinging nettle tea on a daily basis useful in different health conditions– helpful in reducing inflammation inside the body, prevent kidney damages, great detoxifier, act as a diuretic, good for gouts, anti-oxidants properties, remove kidney and gallbladder stone, anemia, and improve overall blood circulation.

Nutritional value– of stinging nettle tea- flavonoids, vitamin-A, C, and K, potassium, B-6, iron.


  • This plant has not known any harmful side effects on the human’s body. So, it is a very human-friendly plant.
  • Probably, High dose may be causing you a very little side effect of it like- upset your stomach, diarrhea, and give rashes.
  1. Include in your diet some Beetroot soup

    ayurvedic doctors always recommended consuming beetroot soup 2 to 3 times a day during kidney weakness or detoxification of it. Beetroot contains a natural cleanser element, that helps to detoxify your kidneys as well as the urinary bladder of your body.

Beetroot juice is quite helpful to eliminate kidney stone which is formed due to the deposition of calcium in our body. Beetroot soup also increases “nitric oxide” in our body that helps to open up if any type of blockage present within our nervous system.

Nutritional facts- Vitamin-C,A. Iron, fiber, selenium, phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, antioxidants, copper, zinc.

Benefits- detoxify your liver, kidney, urinary bladder, lower blood pressure, erectile dysfunction (ED), and increase the stamina of your body.

  1. Parsley juice


parsley has natural diuretic properties in it and good for your overall kidneys and liver function. Parsley juice is also very useful to eliminate any type of urinary bladder infections and stones.

Try to include some organic parsley juice in your daily diet, if you want to keep them detox your kidneys and bladder in a proper way. So, try to avoid such parsley that is grown by pesticide which is not absolutely ideal for your detoxification regimen.

Important nutritional value present in parsley is- antioxidants, volatile oil, vitamin-K, C, copper, selenium, iron, and other valuable nutritional contents.

Parsley juice beneficial for– dark color or foul smell urine, anti-inflammatory, good for your heart health, reduces bad breath, Diuretic, gas & flatulence, anemia, wound healing, detox your kidney and urinary bladder,


  • Parsley juice should not be taken or use along with any blood thinning medication.
  • Pregnant women’s should not consume more than the required limits.
  1. Ginger tea

    ginger is another very popular spice for the detoxification of your kidneys and bladder. Also, very easily found in any kitchen or nearby your markets. It has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant substances in it that helps to detoxify the human filtering system. And optimize the overall kidney and urinary bladder function.

Majorly in diabetic patient more chances to get develop kidney problems. Once your Sugar level remains high within your system or kidneys. You may notice, after some period of time, they start to kill nephrons of the kidney.

Benefits of ginger– Helps to lower your blood sugar level, helps to eliminate kidneys stone, the best prevention against morning sickness, aids cleansing kidneys and bladder, urinary tract infections, cold &flue, help out in resisting the development of cancer cells growth and also support to kill cancer cells.

Nutritional values– gingerol (anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory) medicinal property, vitamin-C, Iron, fiber, potassium, B-6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and zinc.

How to use- it can be used in two variants like dry and fresh raw root. Most people love to consume this spice along with tea but always beneficial to take this herb along with water or herbal tea. You can also add this spice while preparation of food.

  1. Turmeric, lemon, and honey

    perfect blends of these three important ingredients help to detoxification of your vital organs. If you want to keep protect your kidneys from harmful toxins. Then it is absolute healthful blend drink you should have to consume in an empty stomach after wake up from the bed in the morning. It is always better than instead of a cup of tea. It helps to keep individuals energetic throughout the day.

How to use– squeeze a ½ slice of lemon into the lukewarm water and add in it a half tablespoon of turmeric powder. Next, add in this mixture one tablespoon of organic honey. Stir properly with a spoon before consuming.

Nutritional values- Vitamin-C, antioxidants, flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin, iron, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, amino acids, fiber, and B-complex.

Benefits- Best remedy for detox of your Liver, kidneys, and bladder, provide relief from constipation, acidity,

  1. Burdock root


This is also an important herb in terms of cleansing your kidneys and urinary bladder. Because it is diuretic in nature. This is quite helpful in removing wastewater or fluid from the body. Similarly, this herb is work like “Rehmannia” a (Chinese herb).

Benefits– maintaining a good circulation inside your body, detox kidney, and bladder properly, good for the lymph system, lower blood sugar level, reduce inflammations, blood purification,

Always recommend buying it from a trusted source of burdock root tea and herb.


  • If you have Fluid retention issues before using this herb consult first with your doctor.
  • Should not consume this herb, if you are a pregnant woman, children, and allergic patients.
  • Don’t take this herb along with blood thinner and diuretic medication.
  1. Marshmallow Tea

    it is an effective diuretic herb that helps to clean up your bladder and kidney in a natural way. Also, protect your kidney and urinary bladder from various type of harmful infections.

Generally, this is a well-renowned folk medicine and used by many years for treating sore throats and inflammation of the body.

Benefits- clean & heal up your kidneys, reduce the inflammatory symptom of the body, anti-bacterial, wound, skin health, heartburn, and good for your digestion.

How to use- grounded marshmallow root or leaf are used as a tea form. Also, marshmallow leafs great work as if you use it along with mint and other herbs for preparation of the tea.

  1. Punnarva (Boerhavia diffusa) herbs

    it is a remarkable herb according to the Ayurveda and great work for renal or kidney treatment. You can find this Punnarva herb (Boerhavia diffusa) in any ayurvedic store nearby you.

It has many other ranges of benefits like- fever, helpful to reactivation of damage cell of your body, diuretic, impotence, cleansing your kidney, liver tonic, reduce swelling of your body, Bladder infection (UTI), beneficial for heavy menstruation in women’s, heart, and eyes.

It helps to repair your kidney, liver, and bladder organs appropriately.

Nutritional values– Vitamin-C, calcium, iron, antioxidants, and containing other important medicinal values.

  1. Celery juice

    according to the doctors taking celery juice is the best way to flush out overall body toxins and help in boost up kidney functionality in a natural way.

Celery intake is also good for your digestion and naturally increases digestive enzymes. So, get the best result according to the experts consume it as a raw form. Just because of, while cooking most of the healthy celery nutritional value losses.

Benefits- high blood pressure, good for your nervous system, prevents cancer, anti-inflammatory, decrease high cholesterol, lower blood pressure, weight-loss, helpful in reduces joint pains, ulcers, cleanse your kidneys and urinary bladder.

Nutritional values- fibers, antioxidants, B-6, folate, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, Vitamin-C,K,E.

  1. Radish leave juice

    according to the ayurvedic experts, radish leaves are excellent juice for your kidney & UTI problems and help to keep them in a healthy condition. For kidney cleansing always opt organically grown radish (without pesticides).

How to use: take daily 25 to 30ml juice should consume on a daily basis for detoxifying your kidneys and urinary bladder tract.

Nutritional values– dietary fiber, folate, B-complex, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, vitamin-A,C,K, and E.

Benefits of radish leaves are- it acts as a natural diuretic, and helps in flush out your kidney toxins.

  1. Drink coconut water

    coconut water is always considered as the best health drink or a natural refreshing beverage. It is helpful in rebalancing electrolytes of your body. If you have such habits like to drink less amount of water throughout a day then you need have to add coconut water in your diet.

Benefits: prevent the formation of kidney stones, lower blood pressure, good for diabetic patients, restore dehydration of your body (after exercise, in water loss), antiaging,

Nutritional values- Vitamin-C, amino acids, potassium, manganese, magnesium, antioxidants, fiber, and very low in calories.


  • Kidney patients should not take coconut without consulting your health care provider or doctors. Just because it is high in “potassium”.

 Bonus remedies

  • Apple cider vinegar– 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar mix with one glass of water try to take this in an empty stomach before your breakfast.
  • Consume Cucumber juice- for kidneys detoxification you need different types of fluid in that case cucumber juice could be one of the highly beneficial drink for you.
  • Aloe vera Pulp– Take 2 to 3 spoons of fresh aloe vera pulp in empty stomach. Helpful in complete detoxification of your kidneys.
  • Garlic– eating 1 piece of garlic in the morning in an empty stomach do a miracle for you and before gulp down chew it 1 to 2 times. Try to consume, for best result 1 to 1/2 an hour before your breakfast.

What foodstuff are should avoid during the kidneys detoxification process

  • Try to consume less salt- excessive salt intake brings sodium imbalance in your body. Also, a high level of sodium diet may increase blood pressure level and it is not good for your kidney functionality.
  • Totally avoid alcohol and smoking- as we know alcohol and smoking cause many untreatable diseases. After many campaigns, now these days people are starting to get more aware of their health. But, if we talk about kidney, liver, and lungs which are the most vital organ of our body. Hence, alcohol and smoking are absolutely injurious to your health. Especially, if you seriously want to save your kidney and prevent further body damages stop it right away.
  • Caffeine oriented beverages- like soft drinks and other beverages.
  • Chocolates- if you like a lot of sweets, candy, and chocolates. Then in your detoxification regimen try to avoid them totally.
  • Avoid consuming a rich source of protein based diet- protein may increase your creatinine level inside the body. That is mostly happening while you consuming lot’s of protein through your diet. It is naturally build up the pressure at the same time to put extra filtering process via kidneys to flush out harmful toxins from the body. For a kidney patient protein intake suggested by the experts, it should be around 0.8 gm per kilogram body weight.
  • Don’t take unusual drugs- it is truly affecting your kidneys health very badly. Many people have such tendencies they mend to take medicines to treat themselves from common diseases like- pain relief, headache, and over intake of multivitamins.

Useful Tips

  1. Do a regular exercise that is helpful to keep your body organs remains healthy.
  2. Keep monitoring on overall health by medical checkup on a regular basis. So, if you have seen some critical changes comes in your body in a recent period of time. Then, don’t waste your further time and immediately book an appointment with your doctor for better prevention. Especially, if you are a diabetic patent than try to control your diabetes by controlling the blood sugar level of your body.
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle leads to kidney disorders in the human body. Try to check out your- foods, Sleep patterns (try early to bed early to rise), heavy alcohol drinking habits, and pollution free environments, avoid stress & anxiety.

Detoxify your kidneys by “Yoga” and “Acupressure”

Before taking any yoga instruction always recommended- consult any yoga professionals. Otherwise, it may have some chance of getting zero or adverse effects.

  1. Yoga – “pranayama” and “kapalbhati” it will helpful to reactivated your kidney cells function. And helpful to magically reverse your symptoms and disease.
  2. Acupressure points

acupressure points for kidneys

  • Press the acupressure point which resides center area of your foot and hands.
  • Also, press acupressure point that you can easily find in the top of the little figure to activate this point for the detoxification of your kidney.
  • Three acupressure points for your kidneys which are located nearby your ankles.  Press this all points one by one for 5 to 10 minutes for the activation of these crucial acupressure points. You can check this by yourself properly in above given “Acupressure point” picture.

[Like to read: How to get motivate yourself to exercise when you’re depressed]


Here are the world proven best remedies that are mentioned above to detoxify your overall kidneys and urinary bladder system. Most noteworthy, if you are passing through via very critical medical situation then you should have to consult first with your renal dietician, nephrologists, and concerning doctors.

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