25 Best Health facts about apples

One famous prover describes the fruit apple that is “An Apple a day keeps a doctor away”. And it is completely true and hereinafter we are going to find out. What major health benefits are linked up with eating apples? Let’s begin to apprehend “25 Best health facts about apples”.

Among all fruits, apples are one of a kind that doctors always recommended to their patients to consume it in priority bases for faster recovery of their health.

Apple is a miraculous fruit and it has contains daily all essential nutritional values. Like: antioxidants, requisite dietary fiber, phytonutrients, and vitamins & minerals.

Apple is highly beneficial to keep away many harmful diseases from you those are: Liver, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cholesterol.

1 Cup Slices Apple Nutritional facts (110 g)

Apple Nutrients Value
Calories 57.20 kcal
Fiber 2.64 g
Water 94.12g
Protein 0.29g
Carbohydrates 15.19g
Fat 0.19g
Sugar 11.43g
Vitamin-C 5.06mg
Calcium 6.60mg
Zinc 0.04mg
Iron 0.13mg
Potassium 117.70mg
Magnesium 5.50mg
Phosphorus 12.10mg
Sodium 1.10mg
Folate 3.30µg
Riboflavin 0.03mg
Vitamin-B6 0.04mg
Niacin 0.10mg
Thiamin 0.02mg
Vitamin-12 0.00µg
Vitamin-A 59.40IU
Vitamin-K 2.42µg
Vitamin-E 0.20mg
Vitamin-D 0.00µg
Total saturated fatty acid 0.03g
Total polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.06g
Total monounsaturated fatty acid 0.01g
Total trans fatty acid 0.00g
Cholesterol 0.00mg

25 Best health facts about apples

Weight Loss

Apples are very effective in terms of reducing weight. It is generally noticed, people those are passing through obesity and also they want to overcome from this situation. So, Their dietician is always recommended to them should to include apples in their diet. Also, Apples are full of fiber and contain lots of water in it.

Besides, apples are fall under in Low Glycemic food index. Therefore, this kind of food is really supportive in controlling blood sugar level inside the human body very efficiently.

When you commence to eating apples, actually you are consuming low calories and high in fiber diet. As a result, you start losing weight naturally.

A study also suggests that, if you are eating more fiber contained food it slowing down your digestion process and helps to keep you more fuller all day long. So, it will in addition helpful to cut off your unnecessary calories intake. That’s why apples are quite beneficial in terms of promoting weight loss in the human being.


due to containing the high level of carbs in them, it may increase the blood sugar level. But, Apple has a good amount of fiber in them that is quite effective to keep your blood sugar level stable within your body.

Another most important component found in the apple skin which is called “polyphenols”. That is known for stimulating pancreas beta cells to release enough insulin for your body.

Apple contains some anti-diabetic chemicals those are- Chlorogenic acid, phlorizin, Quercetin. For the reason that these beneficial chemicals are really useful to reduce blood sugar spikes, lowering blood sugar levels, and utilize proper insulin inside your body.

Peoples are frequently concern about that Apple contains sugar. However, those sugars are found in an apple that is called “fructose”. And, exactly it has a minimal effect on your blood sugar level spike. According to the studies, eating apples on a regular basis reduces insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. That is quite effective in lowering blood sugar levels in such condition.

Many types of researches indicate that- people those are eating apples on a regular basis they have 29% less chance of getting infected by type 2 diabetes then those are not eating apples on regular basis.

For diabetic patients- along with eating apples, they should have to monitor their blood sugar level. Finally, to ensure that what kind of effects individual experiencing on their health.

Good for hemorrhoids

Fruits are those recommended to eat prevent hemorrhoids that are: Apples, Pears, raspberries. So, doctors are highly recommended to consume more fiber-containing foods at this period of time.

If, you eat enough fiber your stool become softer and comfortably to way out from your body.

Alzheimer & dementia

in Alzheimer & Dementia, peoples are unable to think properly and this disease makes them completely reliant on others. Similarly, there are so many relative issues they have to face like: forgetfulness, not able to recognize common things, not able to focus properly and experience mind confusions.

Apples are full of antioxidants and beneficial carried chemicals in it that helps to protect the brain cells or neuron degeneration process. Also, very effectively reverse the process of oxidative stress of your brain.

Heart attack and stroke

apples are the relevant source of fiber and study also recommend every 11 gm of fiber that you eat, drops coronary heart disease up to 15%.

Apples are also a good source of flavonoids.

Also, apples are helpful to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Then you need have to eat 3-4 apples almost 30 days on a regular basis for getting the desired results.

Promotes Gut Health

Apples are full of a nutritious and healthy quantity of fiber & phytochemicals in it. Therefore, it is helpful to promote good gut bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract. Also, apples are containing a pectin chemical that helps to improve digestion.

Moreover, apples are helpful to detoxify your liver significantly.

Reduce the risk of Cancer

apples are beneficial fruit for both male and female related cancer. In men, Prostate cancer can be cured consuming this fruit on a regular basis.

In women, Breast cancer considerably treated correctly after consuming apples on a daily basis.

Boost up your Brain functionality

“antioxidants” in apples provide to your brain a protective layer of shield against oxidative stress.

Catechin & Quercetin this both antioxidant compounds help to reduce brain degeneration progression and prevent you from any kind of depressions.

Reducing asthma

a study recommends that if an apple eaten by women’s in their pregnancy period of time. Similarly, it will help to keep away all type of symptom of “asthma” from women and their babies.

Right now doctors start to say that “an apple a day keep asthma away”.

Boost up your immune system

due to it has enough Vitamin-C it helps to boost up your immune system very effectively. Also, other important phytochemicals reside in apples gives you amazing results and protecting against many unwanted diseases.

Improve your eyesight

Apples having important nutrients like- Vitamin-A and Vitamin-C that helpful to promote eyes health. Also, Apple has a sufficient amount of antioxidants & phytonutrients which helps to protect your eyes from age-related eye disorders. Like- cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.

Increase Women’s conceive rate

women’s wants to get pregnant and increase the fertility rate. Therefore, you should have to include in your diet a good amount of apples. Because, Apples keep up your body organs in a healthy state- Liver, reproductive system, and promote gut health.

Keep your skin free off unwanted infections

Apples are a good source of vitamin-C and antioxidants that are excellent in boosting up your immune system. Likewise- if you add few drops of “apple cider vinegar” into the warm water and utilizing as taking bath. Hence, you will realize significant benefits to your skins like- provides proper moisturization to your skin and put a stop to spreading yeast infections.

Lower cholesterol level

Apples are a good source of soluble fiber in them that helps to lower your LDL level inside your body and promote overall good health. Probably, it is possible containing of important substances phytosterols and fibers.


Very useful overcome Anemia

if you are dealing with anemia or improper blood production inside your body. So, in such cases take an apple with cow milk as a shake or juice highly beneficial to restore your health. Rather, you may take apples along with organic natural honey for getting similar results.

Good for your teeth

of course eating an apple helpful to eliminate bad breath and provides natural oral care, due to it is acidic in nature. So, many times it is a noticeable fact about apple that it acts like a toothbrush to clean your teeth. Also, make it sparkling white and healthy. One more good thing about apples- chewing apples activate your salivary gland and keeps your gums healthy.

Glowing radiant skin

it definitely offers you an exact result that is similar to the skin color of apple. For the reason that it has contains a high amount of collagen and antioxidants. Hence, it is helpful to deliver better complexions and skin tone. Also, it provides you the anti-aging properties & keeps your skin hydrated.

If you are suffering from Acne, and dark spot related problems it will help you a lot to overcome this situation.


it is highly believed that if you apply apple juice directly on your hair scalp repeatedly for a couple period of days, that prevents hair loss in humans. So, that is possible via an important component found in the apple that is called procyanidin B2. Also, helpful to regrowth of your hairs.

Healthier Bone

it is true eating an apple promotes healthier bones. Just because of, it facilitates to carry forward calcium and important nutrients to our bones and teeth region. If you want to gain faster bone health and density. So, for this, you need have to consume apples with milk. Besides, you should have to take appropriate sun rays of morning period of time.

Prevent Gallstones

how gallstones are developed inside the human body? Eating high cholesterol foods and bilirubin (depositions after the breakdown of red blood cells) leads gallstones. Hence, many people’s belief that eating apple juice softens gallstones inside your body.

Hay Fever

any symptoms you may notice that is related to hay fever, in this condition eating apples quite beneficial for treating hay fever. Like- swelling nose, and constant sneezing. Therefore, you should have to consume apples for more than 3 weeks for naturally heel yourself.


it is also a major problem everybody facing now these days around the globe, and it is increasing day by day in our modern societies. Hypertension caused by many ways like- obesity, stress, anger, lack of potassium in your diet, and kidney diseases. So, you should have to include in your diet 3 to 4 apples on a daily basis that helps to nullify the adverse effects of hypertension.

Detoxify your body

Apples are a rich source of fiber, Vitamin-C, pectin, and phytochemicals. That’s why many natural health practitioners always prefer to consume apples to remove all kind of toxins from your body in a natural way. In contrast, Apple skins are very important and come up with full nutrients value and in terms of providing exact health results also recommended should have to consume along with flesh and skin. Always prefer to consume fresh and organic one.

Reduce muscle tension

eating apples after and before workouts definitely reduces the body muscles tension. For the reason that many athletes include in their diet a good amount of apples. Therefore, they keep their physic level up to the mark or in perfect condition. Also, Belly fat is definitely decreased after consumption of apple on regular basis.

Protects you from seasonal allergies

some studies suggest that those people are consuming enough apples through their daily diet. They are almost securing themselves from different kind of seasonal allergies and lungs disorders.

Apple Risk Factors

  • Should not consume apple seeds. Because of, apple seeds contain natural “cyanide” a well renowned dangerous poison. So, that’s why protect yourself to consuming it.
  • Too much-eating apples not good for your health, it may be add on extra calories into your diet.
  • Some researches reveal that an excess amount of eating apples are not good for your tooth enamels. Because of, in nature Apples are acidic. If you want to protect yourself from such type of condition. Then, you should have to clean your mouth with normal water to wash away sugar & acidic feature of apple from your teeth completely.

[ Also read: Cherry health benefits ]


Apples are full of essential nutrients and it is literally true to consume “an apple a day keeps many diseases away”. Apples are truly supportive to promote good health in many ways- weight loss, prevent cancer, good gut health, and controls high blood pressure level.

Eating apples in the right quantity deliver you amazing health benefits. That is a well-known fact.

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