How Boost Immune System Naturally

Immune system

It plays a very significant role in our life to offers you good health and longevity. As we all know, now these days where the pollution level is at a peak phase. There are undoubtedly so many deadly diseases lurking to attack our precious health. So, in this regard, we absolutely need a strong line of defense mechanisms against all of them. That’s actually assured us in terms of providing a risk-free healthy life. How to boost the immune system.

Then, it obviously comes in our mind that, how can we boost our immune system, promote health and prevent diseases?

For acquiring the strong immune system, in this purpose we need have to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Adverse effects of Disease (Lack of Immunity)

Not only it’s just responsible to affect our overall health. Also, an individual need have to face or go through to the tuff financial situation and mental torture.  

20 Ways to Boost-up Immune System Naturally


How Boost Immune System Naturally

Intaking of enough vitamin-C (antioxidant) through your daily diet it is a good approach toward living a healthy life. Apart from that, vitamin-C is a water-soluble vitamin. So, one important fact, it does not last in our system for a very long time. In terms of shortage of this vitamin-C in our body that makes our immune system become weaker. Lack of this “Vitamin-C”, it could cause hindrance in our various bodily functions. Just like- repair of cell and tissue, wound healing, immune system, protect you from cough & common cold, help in stress management, maintain blood pressure, promote heart health, fight against free radicals (delay the aging process), iron deficiency, bleeding gums, collagen for bones and teeth.

How much amount of “Vitamin-C” required for fulfilling our daily requirements? – Men- 90 mg and Women-75 mg, and Teenagers require (age between-14 to 18yrs) – 65mg (girl’s) to 75 mg (boy’s).  

What are the foods which are available in nature that has rich source of Vitamin-C?

  • 1 cup of sliced Bell Peppers (190 mg) and ½ cup of Chili Peppers (109 mg).
  • 1 cup serving of Kiwi (137 mg)
  • Brussels Sprouts (74.7 mg)
  • 1 cup serving Kale (80 mg)
  • 1 cup of chopped Broccoli (81.1 mg)
  • Strawberries (84 mg)
  • 1 cup of Mango slices (60 mg)
  • Papayas (88 mg)
  • Pineapple (78.8 mg)
  • Orange (52 mg)

What are the right ways of Vitamin-C intake and which way vitamin-C may be losses?

  • Avoid cooking or serving the foods in a particular container. Like- copper & iron utensils or appliances.
  • Soaked such foods in water for a long period of time. Resulting in wash away vital nutrients from them. That is especially Vitamin-C and B-complex.
  • Keep a short cooking time period to prevent the losses of nutrients as of your foods.
  • Smoking practices can reduce down the vitamin-C absorption in our body.
  • A higher amount of liquor consumption can badly impact on our defense mechanism system of the body and as well as, decrease the good gut bacteria number.  

Take a proper sleep

Do you know? an adequate amount of sleep is very crucial to keep a person physically and mentally fit. Then how much amount of sleep is necessary for a human body to keep them remain healthy? According to health experts, an individual should have to take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. It could vary from person to person according to their body, age, and past medical history.  

How it works– during asleep our body starts to recovers all the losses that occur all the way through a day. Like- Repairs muscles and tissues, boost immunity, keep cardiovascular health in a healthy state, increase life span, and corrects the brain functionality.     

Deficiency of sleep– Diabetes, obesity, hypertension, depression, promotes unhealthy eating practices, physiological problems, heart-related diseases, and strokes.  

Perform Yoga

How to Boost Immune System Naturally? Yoga is an “ancient art of living” that teaches us to live a life in a healthy way. And now in a modern age. Also, it has been proven that practicing yoga brings prosperity in our lives in various ways. Like- corrects the breathing pattern, improve lung functionality, boost immunity function, release stress and provide relief from depression, overcome body illness in a natural way, increase the longevity of life, give you flexibility, and spread the feeling of positivity.  

A good thing about “Yoga” that is. It can be performed by any age, sick, or older age group people. Important note, Yoga should have to practice under any qualified yoga instructor or practitioner. And, once you learned the right techniques of performing various yoga poses. After that, you will be able to practice yoga by own self for getting multiple health-related benefits.        

Drink sufficient amount of water

an adequate amount of water intake throughout a day is very important for keeping the immunity function at an optimal level. Then, how much amount of water we should have to drink in a whole day? The basic rule of water intake is 8×8, you might be heard about that before. An 8-ounce glasses of water for 8 times a day or approximately 1.9 liters (half-gallon of water).

What are the scientific facts? In reality, our body is consists of 60% water. The main purpose of water intake in our body is maintaining the proper water level, helps in keeping ourselves hydrated, it is also very important for the proper functioning of all major organs, flush out toxins from your body like (bacteria & harmful elements), helpful in properly flow the “oxygen” and “blood” throughout the body.

The negative impact of Insufficiency of water consumption – dehydration, create kidney problems, constipation, dry skin & hair, rapid heart rate, confusion, tiredness, mild headache, a higher level of toxins accumulation, thirsty, dry mouth, small quantity and dark color of urine.     

Do regular “healthy amount of exercises”

we meant to say here, that the moderate amount of various exercises is enough to acquire good health. Apart from that, an intense pace of exercise might increases the risk of injury and affects the immune system so badly.

Most important for our health is this, we need have to practice the regular amount of physical exercise on a daily basis. That generally helps to keep-up our internal organs in a healthy state. According to the experts, when our body is going through some intense physical workout session. Our body starts to heat-up and after some time it releases a certain amount of sweat from the body. That is considered, that assist to come off harmful toxins from our body.

Benefits of doing exercises in our life– boost the immunity system, regulates proper blood circulation, keep you in good physical shape, help in looking younger than your age, healthy digestive system, provides you healthy skin, gives you clarity of mind, strengthen of your muscle, stronger bones, good for your heart health, strengthen the respiratory system and promotes good sleep.              

Manage depression & stress

it is found in many types of researches that those people had such types of health-related conditions. Like- emotionally disturbed, taking so much stress in your day to day life, tackling with depression for a very long time. They are considered more prone to these diseases in their life. So, the implementation of stress management techniques is the only way to cope out with this situation. And, in this present era where you will easily find related experts. That helps you a lot to comes out from this situation as soon as possible.    

Add valuable Nutrition in your diet to boost-up the immune system

Did you know? our body requires a variety of vitamins & minerals to maintain a healthy or stronger immune system.

how boost immunity system naturally


It is a fat-soluble vitamin and naturally produces in our body once our body gets exposed to the direct sunlight. Therefore, it is a very important vitamin for the human being that helps to increase the absorption of Calcium and phosphorus in our body.

Health Benefits of Vitamin-DBoost up immunity functionality, important for the growing children’s, support to lessen the depression, and gives you stronger bones, teeth, and hair.  

Foods that are high source of natural Vitamin-D– milk, yogurt, cereal, sardines, salmon, mushroom and egg yolk.

Vitamin-D deficiency– weaker bones, frequent cough and cold, depression, mood swings, fatigue, joint & back pain, digestion problems, pale skin, and hair loss.     


another most important mineral which is required for maintaining a good immune function. “Zinc” is also a water-soluble mineral so it is not sustained in our system for a very long time. This important mineral, which is basically present in all of our human bodies at a cellular level. It plays an important role to maintain the healthy DNA structure in our body. Furthermore, an adequate amount of zinc intake is required for maintaining the more than 99+ enzymes of our body. And also it is very essential for our body in terms of protein synthesis.  

Zinc health benefitsboost the immunity function, maintain a good level of T-level in men, wound healing, healthy sperm count, treat diarrhea, and protect you from AMD (age-related macular degeneration).

Foods that are a rich source of “zinc” Various seeds & nuts, variety of legumes, whole grains, dairy products, eggs, oyster, mushroom, salmon, red meat, shellfish, cocoa powder, spinach, and green vegetables.

Zinc deficiency low libido, brittle nails, acne, skin diseases, hair loss, poor concentration level, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, depression, upset stomach, and weak immune system.      


Selenium is an important mineral required for our body. It helps in regulating metabolism, boosts the immune system, keeping a healthy thyroid function, tackle to the oxidative stress.

Selenium health benefitshelp in reducing asthma symptoms, keep healthy your thyroid gland, keep your heart healthy, boost immunity.

Foods that are a rich source of Selenium– oats, nuts, sunflower seeds, oysters, sardines, tuna, halibut, eggs, brown rice, whole wheat bread, spinach, broccoli, and mushrooms.

Selenium deficiencyAlzheimer’s disease, it may increase cancer risk, fatigue, hair loss, not properly work reproductive organs, cause a weaker immune system.      


After consumption, it is converted in our body into Vitamin-A. Basically, beta-carotenes are present in the form of orange and red pigment in various fruits & vegetables. It is an essential antioxidant for the body. Health benefits of Vitamin-A – boost the immune system, good for skin & eye, defend the body from free radicals and good for your lung’s health.

Rich source of beta-caroteneCarrots, onions, kale, broccoli, spinach, mustard greens, parsley, turnip greens, peas, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, grapes, apricot, plum, and mango.  


there are a number of B-vitamins complex that is essential for keeping our health at an optimum level. Especially the “B6 vitamin” which helps to boost up the immunity function. B-complex numerous health benefits- sharp memory, boost immunity, keep you energetic all day long, skin & hair and optimize the nerve function.  

Diet that are rich source of B-complex– whole grains, fruits, legumes, seed & nuts, mushrooms and dairy products.   


iron is a mineral and it plays a significant role in our bodies. It especially increases the red blood cell count and helps out in the proper transportation of “oxygen” throughout the body. Aids in the synthesis of ATP ( odenosine triphosphate). And, it is also very important for pregnant women and for the proper development of the baby. Proper intake of iron prevents premature birth. It will be better if you take vitamin-C along with iron which helps in better absorption of iron.

Deficiency of Iron– dizziness, weakness, irregular heartbeats, brittle nails & damaged hair, weak immunity, low hemoglobin, shortness of breath, restless of the leg, craving for strange non-food eating items like (chalk, clay, ice, dirt) which is also known by “pica”.

The best source of Iron– Legumes, leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, asparagus, ), Nuts (pine nuts, almonds, cashew), Seeds (flaxseeds, pumpkin, sesame), dried fruits (dates, raisin, apricots, and fig), tomato, sweet potato, and in non-veg foods iron present in a good proportion.


It is very essential to forming new red blood cells in our bodies. Regulate the functioning of all the organs in a good state. Keep your immune function at an optimal level.

Health benefits of Copper– aid in iron absorption, keep your nerve in healthy state, provide you a healthy bone.

The best source of Copper– whole grains, variety of nuts, legumes, tofu, seeds, dark color leafy vegetables, oyster, salmon, shellfish, crab, lobster, liver, shitake mushrooms, dark chocolate, and avocados.


As we all know, it is an effective powerful antioxidant that helps to keep each and every organ remains healthy. And also helpful to fight against various diseases and protect your cells as of various damages. 

The best source of Vitamin-E Almonds, avocados, mango, kiwi fruit, spinach, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, broccoli, kale, kiwi fruit, mamey sapote, peanuts, and pine nuts.

Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption

excessive uses of smoking and alcoholism can sluggish your immunity function and over time deprive our overall health. How alcohol and smoking bring changes in our system? It observes in many studies, alcohol alters gut microorganism number, damage the immune cells, and makes weaker the first line of our defense system. Smoking- also does a bad impact on our lung’s health, foul breath, bad for your gums and teeth, and accountable to increase the deposition of various poisonous substances in our system.

Side-effects of smoking & alcoholism on our healthStroke, pneumonia, lung diseases, weak immunity, low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, cancer (stomach, intestine), loss of bone density, gray hair & premature aging, kidney & liver diseases, and cause of earlier death.         

Take sun bath

we already talked about what are the benefits of “Vitamin-D” for our health. So, our body is unable to fulfill the deficiency of this vitamin from various food sources via on your own. It is available free of cost to us by nature which is our “sun”. Only sitting under the sun your body able to produce this particular Vitamin and also important for the absorption of other important vitamins. Like- calcium and other minerals for your bones. Vitamin-D also plays an important role in regulating and monitoring the appropriate level of phosphorus and calcium in our bloodstream.

“Sun Bath” health benefits– optimal level of immunity functionality, keep healthy parathyroid glands, stronger bones, support absorption of Calcium, healthy cell function and promote body growth.  

Morning walk

it will let your body consume an appropriate amount of fresh air and along with this try to take 30 minutes of minimum walk. Morning walk is very vital in terms of improvisation of overall health & fitness of an individual. Morning walk is very crucial for boosting the immunity system. “How to boost the immune system?”.

Benefits of morning walk– minimize the risk of heart disease, keep you free of stress & depression, help in weight management, diabetes, boost the immune system, improve blood circulation, promote better sleep, prevent premature aging and reduce down the risk of Alzheimer’s.    

Fish oils

In various researches, it’s found that “fish oil” contains a higher percentage of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 in them that helps in increasing the white blood cell in our body. That is very vital to boost up our immune functionality. And along with this, it has present, a number of important healthy ingredients just like vitamin-A & D. That really helpful in keeping the brain and body functionality in a healthy state. 

Benefits of fish oil for our body– it is used as an immunity booster, good for eye health, keep your heart healthy, reduce blood pressure, promote brain health, boost memory, supportive for keeping our bones healthier, and help in reducing inflammation.

Vegetarian sources of Omega-3Walnut, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, perilla oil, Brussels sprout, Avocado, and winter squash.      


They are helpful in keeping our guts in a healthy state. Basically, the two types of important components found inside all kinds of probiotic foods and drinks (lactobacillus, bifidobacteria). You can also include in your diet natural source of probiotics. Like- curd, kefir, miso, kimchi, cheeses, and pickles. Probiotic plays an important role in terms of maintaining gut health in a good state. According to experts, good gut health is responsible for boosting the immunity function and improves the absorption of valuable nutrients.  

Cut off junk food consumption

as we all know, how harmful or unsafe this junk food and processed foods are for our entire health. Do you know? How badly this could impact on our immunity functionality? Due to the lack of important macro and micronutrients, our body is unable to build up a proper defense mechanism system against so many unwanted diseases. So, try to include in your diet more natural and unprocessed food. According to experts, “Junk foods” play a negative role to keep our gut health in a bad state. Other bad effects of too much eating of junk foods. Due to this, our body’s immune system does not ready to react properly against various diseases. So, it is very necessary to include in your diet a variety of healthy foods.    

Junk food drawbacks toward our health– Obesity, headache, depression, affect the immunity functionality, it promotes ingestion of extra carbs, the bad type of fat, sodium & sugar, raises bad cholesterol level, blood pressure, acne, infertility, increases the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart diseases.

Include in your diet healthy foodsfresh fruit & variety of vegetables, whole grains, try to consume un-processed foods, dairy products, variety of seeds and nuts.

Happiness and positive attitude toward life

The main reason for the health experts and doctors always give suggestion to their patients or clients learn to be remain happy and lead their life with a positive approach. Just because of, “happiness” helps in promoting the secretion of good hormones like- (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin) in our body. That is very important to boost-up our immunity system. How to keep yourself happy? Try to perform such activity in your day to day life to make you feel better, do regular exercises, be happy, keep positive outlook toward life, laughter is the best medicine, forgiveness is the best way to get relief from grudges, revengeful thoughts, anger, sad feelings, and carry out a sport, singing, dancing, and meditation activity also it is very good for spreading the positivity to our life.

Benefits of happiness and positive attitudekeep at bay stress, anxiety, and depression, improve relationships, strong immunity system, an optimal level of your heart and brain health.

How to boost immune system? 

Manage healthy Weight

A healthy weight management strategy is really a successful way to boost up our immune system and puts off many unwanted diseases from you. Doing regular exercises on a constant approach help in keeping our body weight under control. And, along with this, all you need to alter the bad eating habits. Do not consume too many calories through your daily diet, otherwise, it has lots of disadvantages for your health. Like- spike in blood sugar level, obesity, and oxidative damages.

Unhealthy Weight gain or Obesity disadvantages– make your immune system weaker, risk of type 2 diabetes, bad for heart health, hypertension, mood swing, stroke, cancer, overweight also putting unhealthy pressure on internal body organs, sexual organ disorder, liver-related disease, wrinkles, and shorter life span.            

Include fresh vegetables & fruits

its really helpful in terms of providing us a sufficient amount of flavonoids, fiber, vitamins & minerals, and important antioxidants. That is very essential to keep up our immunity system in a healthy state. Also, try to include in your diet a sufficient amount of fruits & vegetables. Always recommended, it should be available to you fresh in condition and also come-up as of organic resources.

Health benefits of vegetables & fruitsprovide you healthy guts, healthy blood pressure level, healthy heart, better sleep, healthy eye, hair, and bones.   

Follow the general hygiene

Common “General hygiene” rule everyone should have to follow in their life- wash your hands properly before eating, drinking and come after toilet, don’t touch with your hands to your eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Try to keep a hanker chip along with you all the time and make use of it while sneezing and coughing. Always try to wear clean clothes and take a shower on a daily basis.

Good oral health is very important to keep our immunity system at an optimum level. Brush your teeth two times a day. Should not share other persons’ hanker chips and towels. Most noteworthy, keep your surroundings neat & clean.  

Herbal tea

if you are such a person like to drink the herbal tea on a regular basis. It is extremely helpful to promote good health. It has also come along with dried leaves which one is the mixture of lots of different valuable ingredients just like (herbs, flowers, spices, and dried fruit). “Herbal tea” is beneficial for boosting the immune system. Herbal tea contains powerful therapeutic properties just like- antioxidants, valuable medicinal properties, essential vitamins & minerals, Theanine (amino acid), saponins, chlorophyll, and polyphenols.  

Health benefits of Herbal teakeep your digestive system in a healthy state, improve the immune system, gut health, longevity, cold, flu, promote good night sleep, slow down the aging process, anti-cancerous properties, help in weight loss, good for heart health, prevent you from oxidative stress and reduce stress & anxiety.

Best tea for boost immune system green tea, holy basil & ginger tea, chamomile tea, Echinacea tea, ginseng tea, oolong tea, and wolfberry tea.

Take garlic & ginger

it has been proven that these superfoods facilitate to boost up our immunity system and prevent us from common cold and flu. Garlic has present a number of medicinal properties and important bioactive compounds in it. Like- allicin, Sulpher, a rich source of vitamin-C & B6, and essential antioxidants. Garlic may lose its important medicinal properties once you cook or bake it for a long time. After crushing a raw piece of Garlic the important nutrient possibly loss after 10 minutes. So, it is a very important individual should have to consume them in a raw form (it’s always better than the cooked one) and not recommend using or utilizing them after a particular time period. It is generally losses their medicinal values.   

Ginger is also widely used for its therapeutic properties to treat various illnesses- the bioactive compounds found in it. Like- gingerol, hydroxy, decanone, methoxyphenyl.    

Health Benefits of Garlic– good for your heart health, Alzheimer’s patient, improve blood circulation, improve immunity, purify the blood and fight against cancer.  

Health Benefits of Ginger– anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, boost immunity, oral health, treat digestive disorders, treat muscle ache, lower cholesterol level, and anti-cancerous effect.       


“curcumin” and essential oils present in it are the main key ingredients found in turmeric. That is considered beneficial to treat various ailments and boost-up our immunity system. Therefore, try to add some turmeric in your daily diet to get a stronger first line of defense mechanism system (immunity) for the body. And, this aids you to provide better protection against many unwanted diseases. 

How to consume– You need one glass of milk (150 ml) and add to it half tablespoon of raw turmeric powder. And mix well with a spoon for proper blending.  

Turmeric health benefits– reduce inflammation, anti-cancerous, osteoarthritis, anti-microbial, anti-oxidants and improve immunity.

  Also read- [ Top 50 Natural Health Tips ]


Actually, an immune system of our body does not rely upon one factor. Instead of this; there are multiple factors that are responsible to provide you a healthy immunity system. Above all, the immune-boosting methods or techniques are explained over here which are only useful in boosting the general immunity of our body. How to boost the immune system.

If you are previously dealing with any ill health-related problems. For this, we definitely advise you to take proper treatment according to your disease from any qualified doctor. And, along with this, it is a helpful piece of information only work as a supportive hand to improve your overall health condition. If, you are such a person free-off any kind of sickness and fall under the category of average immunity. Then, definitely it will be able to boost-up your immunity.  

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