Top 50 Natural Health Tips

Natural health Tips

There are so many different types of acknowledgment related to the health tips are already existed and mentioned in different websites throughout their various approaches. But, here we only focused over on science-based effective “50 natural health tips” related to maintaining your overall health without receiving any kind of harmful side effects. Just because of, all mentioned Tips are here simply derived from natural established and well-known resources.

Top 50 Natural Health Tips

1. Take a proper sleep

Sleep is a very important factor for your overall health progression. If your body is lacking with proper sleep, then all the nutrition in taking by you will become a total waste. Taking proper sleep is like a recharge your phone battery before it completely drains out. So, next time try to take proper sleep near around 7 to 8 hours which is recommend by the doctors and experts. Long term effects you can see due to the lack of sleep on the human body are properly mentioned below.

Major disadvantages not taking a quality sleep

  • Promotes diabetes and obesity in a person.
  • Encountered with many mental issues like- depression, anxiety, confusion, and mood swings.
  • Heart and cardiological related problems suddenly increase.
  • Unstable body state. The body is unable to perform day to day work in a proper manner.

Sometimes, it observed that anyhow your “melatonin” level which is a sleep hormone decreases or drop-down in your body. Due to, lacking this hormone facing of poor quality sleep and encountered with many types of diseases.

First of all, try to figure out the exact root cause of your problem. It may happen due to following of irregular lifestyle and consumption of more than enough junk foods in your day to day life. If all the above-mentioned condition is not applied on you in such case that means it indicates you need have to go for check out your “melatonin level” through any verified lab test center or certified concern doctors. Always remember a quality sleep is a no.1 factor to attain good health.

2. Include in your daily diet variety of “Healthy Foods”

Healthy foods

Now, these day’s people are like a magnet more pull towards the processed or junk foods very easily. And this is the foremost cause of all illness. Along with this, day by day we are going far away from the natural food resources.

So, must include in your diet plan lots of plenty of fresh fruits, grains, & vegetables.

When you are going to pick up some fresh fruits & vegetables from the markets make sure before purchase. It should be better in condition if they are dark in color by nature. Best sources are given below they are…

  • Fruits, Nuts & Seeds

Banana, Pineapple, papaya, apple, oranges, blueberries, pomegranates, cherry, grapes, watermelon, mango, gooseberry, Custard apple, guava, coconut water, walnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, raisin, flaxseeds, chia seeds, mustard seeds, muskmelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, grape seeds, and others.

  • Vegetables

Broccoli, green leafy vegetables, beetroots, pumpkins, bottle gourd, Moringa oleifera, eggplant, ladies finger, seaweed.

  • Grains & Other Food items

Multi grains, dairy products, eggs, red meat, various types of peas, pulses, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar.

3. Sunbath

Sunbath is very essential for your overall body growth and health. It is extremely helpful to fulfill your daily requirements of Vitamin-D3 and Calcium of your body. Due to enough vitamin D3 presence in your body which facilitates to maximizes the absorption of calcium through your foods. According to the experts, everyone tries to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight exposure to their body. 

Top 50 Natural Health Tips

Sunbath Health Benefits

  • According to the doctors, those spend some time under direct sunlight or taking a minimum sunbath on a regular basis. That helps to eliminate depression or mental issue from every individual very effectively.
  • It improves sleep disorders in individual’s like- insomnia, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome.
  • Lack of sun rays it seems that many of the time your body is unable to prepare enough digestive juices or enzymes for proper digestion of your food.
  • Proper sunbath provides you stronger bones. As well as keep your nails, hair, teeth in a healthier state.
  • Kidney and Heart remain healthy. Also good for the blood pressure patients, and diabetes.
  • A moderate amount of taking daily sunbath by the pregnant ladies that help to overcome birth-related complication and also, good for the baby’s wellbeing.

4. “Eating salad” before big meals help to easy digest

Everyone should have to include a little portion of salad into their diet. “Salad eating” habit is good for your gut health and acts as a natural probiotic in your digestive tract. It is better if you include some raw green vegetables in your salads like- spinach, romaine lettuce, radicchio, and different colored available pepper. Both help to enhance nutritional & vitamins absorption within your body like- Vitamin-C, Fiber, Vitamin-E, phytochemicals, lutein, carotenoids, Vitamin-K, Lycopene, Anti-oxidants, and important Vitamin & Minerals.

Benefits of Eating Salads

  • Facilitate in maintaining a healthy weight. Either, stop individuals from consuming extra calories as of unwanted food eating practices. And keeps you slim & fit.
  • Salad helps to correct your bowl movement. According to the experts, never encountered with constipation if you eat salad on a regular basis.
  • Loaded with essential Vitamins & Minerals.
  • Also good for your skin health. Keeps your skin texture glowing and radiant.

How to make a powerful salad

Include in your salad some portion of herbs, fruits, & nuts like- cilantro, rosemary, oregano, basil, avocado, blueberries, strawberries, plums, pomegranates, nuts, raisin, sesame, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, and lemon. You can dress up your salad along with healthy oils like- olive oil, canola oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, and avocado oil. Oils you should have to avoid like- coconut oil and palm oil this both oil are high in saturated fats which are considered not good for your heart health. Adding a healthy oil in a salad is very essential to get absorbed into your system such important fat-soluble vitamins are like- A, D, E, and K.  Read more about Top 50 Natural Health Tips

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

5. Brushing your teeth

Brushing twice a day is a very important task to keep your oral health as well as your gut health in the best condition. Without brushing your teeth there started coating the layers of plaques and resulting in cavities and tooth decay.

And another foremost benefit of brushing teeth which one is helps to keep your gum in a healthier state. If you are providing the regular massage to your gums it becomes getting stronger day by day and helps to put off gums related diseases or disorders from you.

Benefits of brushing your teeth

  • Most of the studies have decent evidence related to regular brushing of teeth help out in preventing the heart attack and strokes. The reason behind that, anyhow the bacteria present in your gums may get enter in your bloodstream. Suddenly start to increase the deposition rate of cholesterol in your arteries. Afterward, you may know clearly what kind of misshapen possibly will take places to your health.
  • Helps you to knock out immediately any kind of smelly or bad breath come from your mouth.
  • Brushing your teeth helps in preventing devolving the lesser chance of “dementia” disease in human.
  • Brushing of teeth is very important for pregnant ladies to acquire a healthy baby to them.
  • Last but not least keeps your teeth shiner and stain free.

6. Weekly at least get one-day full body massage

Body massage

massage is similar to provide servicing to your complete body exactly work the same as you usually do service to your car and bikes. Massage therapy is great for reducing body pain and ache in a natural way.

Benefits of massage

  • Remove fatigue, tiredness from your body.
  • Improve the quality of sleep.
  • Get better  the entire “blood circulation” process of your body.
  • Overcome stress & anxiety. And improve your mood.
  • Improve stamina, strength, and flexibility of your body.
  • Optimize your overall “digestion” function.
  • Get rid of any kind of body ache and pain.

7. Go for the Morning & Evening walk

According to the health experts, 30 minutes of daily walking practices can prevent many diseases within your body like- lower heart disease, diabetes, obesity, improve blood circulation throughout your body, correct sleep disorders and also strengthen your muscle.

Daily practices of Morning walk improve day by day “oxygen quality” inside your body. Also, gradually it’s supportive to get better your digestion system.

Benefits of Morning and Evening walk 

  • Reduce heart attack and stroke-related problems in person. Because of it helpful to normalize cholesterol level with in your body and open up chocked arteries.
  • According to experts, daily walk brings “mental clarity” in person.
  • Prevents many unwanted diseases and as well as seasonal sickness.
  • Highly helpful in controlling “unwanted weight gain” of your body.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

8. Do some Yoga meditation

it is very important to keep your mind and body remain balanced, depression & worry-free. Yoga meditation helps a lot to improve focus on something which you are unable to perform earlier with ease. Why yoga meditation is very important to us? You can’t imagine daily yoga practices do a miracle for your body. At the other hand, it is quite trouble-free to perform by any age group, healthy to unhealthy persons, all can easily to execute.

It is an ancient art of yoga which is basically worked on breathing, relaxation, and proper posture techniques. Due to highly beneficial result to your entire health around the world now these day’s it is just like to turn out to be the part of their life.

Benefit’s of Yoga meditation

  • It is an important key to daily life for “unlocking success” in many fields and bring happiness to your life.
  • Very helpful to keep out “Stress” & “Anxiety” from you.
  • Main benefits of yoga are bringing flexibility, peace, happiness, balance, stamina, and higher consciousness in the person.
  • If you are a spiritual person than you can easily get in touch and connected to your own god whom you believe desperately by your heart.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

9. Twice in a month spend your time in natural surroundings


It is a very important task for anybody to spend some time in between nature surroundings. Just because of, your health is very important to rest of other things in this entire world. Take out some time for yourself to visiting nature blessed places. Like, go for a picnic or hill station which is located far from the city.

Benefits of natural surroundings

  • According to the experts, natural visit encourages creativity, and improve moods.
  • While spending some time in natural surroundings. You are starting to get natural air, water, sunlight which is good for your entire health. And, those foods which you consumed during this period have also come in fresh and natural resources.
  • Also, you learn new things you become more open-minded. You become more expressive, more aware of local languages, food, whether, and their cultures. And even though develop better communication skills and decision-making abilities.
  • Nature is almost like our mother; how you all the way feel such comfort, love, and relax it is exactly just like a put your head over on your mother lap.

10. Regular check-up of your whole body

According to the experts, a regular check-up is the most important thing to your body after a certain age period. Otherwise, you may have to face into your life various illnesses related to your health. Many of us doing such mistakes because of irresponsible attitude, busy schedule, and many people consider it is just like a waste of money and time. But, after some period of time, they get better to understand or realization to the importance of this thing for their health.

Regular health check-up is crucial to determine any health-related problem or issue before they get started. According to this current period of the era, everywhere health-related unpleasant news constantly increases everywhere and every one among us has main responsibilities to inspire others about this topic and in your community as well. Why regular check-up is so important for our health?

11. Don’t seat in front of computer, TV, laptop, mobiles for longer period of time

Top 50 Natural Health Tips

You need have to take some break in between watching TVs, doing works on computers, and as well as doing work in the office. It is very important to bring back the rotation of your body. Otherwise, according to many experts, you may face lots of health-related issues those are-

  • Effect on your eyes health so badly.
  • Increases the risk of diabetes, inner blood clotting, and strokes.
  • Heart-related diseases like- improper blood circulations, nerve disorders.
  • If you are a growing adolescent then it can be the higher rate of possibilities that slowing down your “overall body growth” and “performance”.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

12. Do some “regular exercises” and important part during exercises to sweat come out from your body

It is a crucial part of your workout that you must sweat during your exercises to correctly detoxification of your body. Exercise is also helpful to regulate proper blood circulation throughout your body. And your muscles be able to re-growth and develop in a proper manner.

Also, in-between of this fuel it up to you by the proper hydration. So, for this keep always nearby you a bottle of water or liquid whenever you required you just fulfill your thirst and deficiency of water into your body.

13. Take daily showers

daily shower is also a very important task for maintaining good health for any individuals. It will keep you neat & clean and fresh. Also, it is essential for maintaining good health to you and for those who are near around you. Many people have such kind of habits in them they do not prefer to take a bath even for days or week.

Why Taking a daily shower is so important to your entire health? You can easily understand via this significant given mentioned points.

Taking Daily bath “Health Benefits”

  • According to Experts, It helps to improve your “blood circulation” throughout your body, if you take a hot tub bath at least two times a week.
  • Reduce the level of depression & anxiety and make you feel good all day long.
  • Minimize the muscle tension and tiredness of your body. And also, keep healthier skin, Hair, and great natural moisturizer for your skin.
  • Taking a shower helps to lower down your blood pressure level. It seems to dip in a hot tub bath for some minutes can help individuals’ breath easily and highly beneficial for your lungs and chest.
  • If you have some sleep-related disorder taking bath is very useful for them. Also, it is quite beneficial for brain functionality and good for the entire neurological function of your body. Read more about Top 50 Natural Health Tips.

14. Music therapy

According to health experts, music therapy is globally known as a natural healer by itself to keeping the good health of individuals. And music therapy is scientifically proven way to keep at bay all of your physical and mental related illness very effectively.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

Health benefits of Music therapy

  • Generally, it can be highly effective to treat stress, pain, and anxiety which one is related to your physical and mental levels.
  • The best prevention against of Alzheimer & schizophrenia diseases.
  • Listening to music really helps to calm down a person within a few minutes. Some tremendous bodily changes occur you may clearly notice into your health- lower your blood pressure level, improve mood, and help out in maintaining a healthy heart rate.
  • Music therapy is a completely proven method and recommended by so many health experts or by doctors. That listening of joyful and relaxing music before and after the surgery really helpful to tackle down this situation in an appropriate manner. It seems the recovery rate of such person remains much higher than comparatively to non-music therapy taken person.

15. “Acupressure” and “Acupuncture” another healthier option for you

It is a natural way of healing for your entire body health. In acupressure therapy, you need have to stimulate bodies certain point to initiate the healing process by its own. Rather than this, in an acupuncture therapy here we use thin needle against to your body parts by an acupuncture expert to eliminate certain type of body illness.

“Acupressure” and “Acupuncture” these both ancient techniques are assists to correct the human body functional imbalance and it is quite helpful to bring back the body at in an original healthy state.

16. Don’t wear uncomfortable tight innerwear’s and daily wear clothes

it is always recommended to all of us should have to wear loose-fitting clothes for getting health-related gains. Why individuals should not have to wear any kind of tight fighting clothes? All are mentioned below.

  • Tight jeans around to your waistline lead gastrointestinal related diseases and also cause of improper lower body blood circulation. Many time it observes those who wear tight pants they suffer from acid refluxes, heartburn, bloating, and constipation.
  • Do you know? Your body containing infinite extremely small kind of holes throughout on your skin area from this it inhales which is very important for your overall body health. Due to wearing of tight paints you really risking your overall health in a certain way.
  • Later in time, also it can deliver you several types of skin related disorders and increases the rate of oxidation within your body.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

17. Avoid Spicier & oily foods

If someone wants to live their life for a longer period of time. Then, he definitely needs to stay away from overeating of spicier and oiler foods. What are the negative impacts occurs after a certain period of time-consuming of oily and spicier food to your body? You can see various kind of health-related issues you may have to face regarding your health those are-

  • Diarrhea, stomach pain, acid reflux. And overeating of spicy food leads to loss of appetite.
  • High blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, heart-related disorders.
  • Oily & spicy food may cause of Acne or pimple. Especially for Teenagers, they should have to totally avoid greasy, oily, spicy, fried, and junk food items.
  • If someone consuming oily & spicy food for a longer period of time it can be able to deliver you digestion related disorders and also cut off your good gut bacteria’s from the digestive tract. And along with this, it helps in increasing the growth of bad bacteria in your guts.

18. Keep fast in a week or month helps to natural detoxification of your body

from many centuries in many cultures, it since been practicing by the people to obtain a particular health gain. There are two variations basically followed by the people in keeping fast first one is nothing consume in the form of any kind of foods and the second one in which individuals only consume water or any form of liquid to keep the fast.

There are various Health benefits of keeping a fast

  • It helps a lot to proper detoxification of your body.
  • Weight loss and controlling blood pressure in your system.
  • Some researches confirm that keeping a fast may increase HGH (human growth hormone) production in human.
  • Few studies also advocate that keeping fast is very effective in preventing cancer in humans and helps a lot to the people in the duration of chemotherapy treatment. And it literally increases the effectiveness of medication while providing the treatment of cancer.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

19. Treat normal diseases through Natural and Ayurvedic health care products

most of the times it seems that those people are affected with general or common diseases generally people start to consume allopathic medicines by their own self in a repetitive manner. Rather than this, they don’t know how much quantity of dosages safe for their health and this kind of activity may go to effects your health so badly.

So, if you want to save or protect yourself from this type of side effects let’s go and try some effective herbal & Ayurvedic products. It will help to boost up your body defense mechanism system against various ailments as well as not giving an adverse result like allopathic medicines.

But, here we want to clear one thing appropriately that one is never treat such complicated diseases by own self. Self-medication is not safe for your entire health. Instead of this individual should have to get a proper check-up to their body and take appropriate treatments according to your diseases via any qualified doctors and physicians nearby you.

20. Become more social in your life

Try to engage yourself in some kind of social activities just because it is a part of human nature. Now, these day’s people are busy in their own life so much and becoming more isolated day by day.

In this modern era, we are claiming at most that we are all surrounding us to the social media and well connected with this platform to all. But, the overall ground reality is totally poles apart many researchers have given strong evidence related to this subject and also indicating that our life is going to become more isolated day by day. And you may also observe in our society suicidal tendencies are increased in the past few years, depression, loneliness, angriness, and awful behaviors toward others.

How to become more social? there are some useful tips for you

  • Try to maintain a healthy relationship with your neighbors, retailers, shopkeepers, and your working area.
  • Try to join a group nearby you and get a chance to meet some people just like you.
  • And keep the habit to say hello and greet properly to whom you meet.
  • Spent some time with your family members and friends.
  • Work as a volunteer and share your knowledge & experience with the knowledge-seeking persons.

Health benefits of becoming social

  • Lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • You can easily save yourself from depression, stress, anxiety, anger, suicidal tendencies and overthinking brain patterns.
  • The best prevention against “Alzheimer” disease.
  • Helps to lift up your moods and boost the immune system as well.
  • Very good for your brain health and helps to keep at bay all kind of psychological disorders from you with simplicity.
  • Develop a sense of positive attitude and behavior.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

21. Live every single moment of your life with “full of Joy”

Full of joy

Many of them among us think about that if they got or achieve some big thing in their life then they will celebrate and become happier. But, according to the experts when we really achieved something in our life after that it may be their higher rate of possibilities we forget to make the celebration which is highly required for your overall development and even though people start to shift their focus on achieving something else which is much important for them according to the current scenario or set a new goal for himself. And this process keeps going on and on and on and our lives still remain run out off celebration and so, that’s why we need to enjoy and make the celebration of each and every part of your life.

And, nobody knows in this whole world how much our life is big or short. So, it is very important to live your life in the fullest mode. And after all, always keep one thing in your mind, health is wealth. If your health is not up to the mark you can’t enjoy your life even though all kind of materialistic thing is achieved by you.  So, trying to be happy and enjoy every moment of your life it doesn’t matter what condition you are going through in your life at this present time.

If, the purpose of life is spent the time by way of happiness and even the last goal of every person is being happy. Then, why you are waiting for something and keep a dependency on others for so long to become happy.

Few tips suggested by experts to live your life with “full of joy  

  • Try to live your life in the present moment and enjoy it.
  • Positive attitude toward life is very important to live our life with full of joy and happiness.
  • Do not compare your life with others it will increase expectation which is unnecessary for you. Even though, God gives all of us what you deserved at most but, instead of this, we are not able to find out or locate which one is the greatest gift is given to you compared to the other person. Always, try to look at your strengths and not your weaknesses.
  • If you are setting a goal and suppose that you all set to celebrate after achieving it in a grand way. Instead of this, you need have to part your whole goal in the short term goals and make big celebration after achieving each part of it. According to the experts, if you follow this procedure you can easily achieve whatever you want in your life. The reason behind this every success gives you a new level of enthusiasm for your next goal and as well as boost-up your positive energies. And it will ensure your success rate of growth.
  • At the end of the day write down daily few points related to you or about yourself which one happens throughout the day. And it should be the very positive things about you which make you happier and joyful. And if you do this before going to the bed it will be more powerful & beneficial in terms of bringing happiness into your life and as well as upcoming days of yours will be going to be full of positivity and constructive mindset.
  • pardon other’s

If you want to remain happy then one special habit you need for yourself that easily pardons to others and not keep your side any kind of jealousness and angriness mindset for others.

22. A positive mindset is very important for every one

Positive thinking or mindset is very important for handling any type of difficulties or complex situation in their life with ease. Just because of, each and every time you will not able to pass through from a most favorable situation in your life. You can’t believe, well-known big authors already write down a complete book on it, also denotes big importance of this thing in our life.

So, our advice is better than this you think or read more about this topic so much over and over. It is the best idea to you that apply it on yourself straightway and feels the difference in your life.

23. Laughter therapy

In this present era when everywhere if you noticing or observe properly in our society no one remains happy or live their life with full of joy and smile. Even though, people are not having enough time of keeping a sweet smile on their face. So, in that case, “Laughter therapy” may be helping you a lot to bring back a little smile on your face once again.

You need have to join some well-known laughter therapy group run near around you. Search websites and keep eye on local newspapers where it is going on.

Did you hear that? Over and over again this popular phrase from the health experts that is “laughter is a best medicine” for you. Laughter keeps you healthier by the way of mind, body & soul.

Laughter therapy has numerous health benefits

  • Foremost benefits of laughter therapy which are helpful to increase the release of endorphins and happy hormones which makes you joyful and overcome any kind of pain of your body in a natural way.
  • Your immunity is naturally boosted up and your body remains free of all kind of diseases.
  • All-day long you will remain happy and amazingly you may get a notice about you becoming more positive and energetic into your life.
  • Lower down blood pressure level and good for your heart health. Prevents you from cardiovascular health diseases.
  • Stress, anxiety, depression will gradually disappear from your life. Good for the mental and emotional well being.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

24. Consume enough Water and Fluid

Water is one of the vital ingredients of our life and the most important thing for all human existence. Actually an adult body containing 60% to 65% of the water in their body. Also, these numbers may vary according to their age, weight and according to the body condition.

According to the doctors, a human being can survive without food for a couple of weeks at least last their body around three weeks. But, without water human can’t survive more than 3 to 4 Also, lack of water individual suffers from many diseases such are dehydration, constipation, lack of energy within the body, eczema, premature aging, and headache.

An individual should have to consume how much amount of water per day- there are so many opinions out there, but according to the health experts they always recommend it should be around 2 liters or ½ gallon of water per day. Drinking of water more than the recommended amount may affect your health so badly.

Also, it seems those people consumed water around 6 liters within a day lead to their death. And other hands it has some potential health risk- those who consume water 3 liters and more than 6 liters developing the symptoms of hyponatremia and water toxicities in their body. So, drink and eat something in the right proportion always deliver the best health results or required gains to its consumer. At the end it’s all up to you so, choose wisely whatever you eat & drink.

Benefits of proper intake of water and fluid substances

  • Regulate your body temperature and maintain the proper organs fluid requirements.
  • Facilitate to flush out toxins and unwanted wastages from your body.
  • Nourishes your skin, hair, & nail health.
  • For enough formation of saliva and other important gastric juices it required a proper amount of water.
  • Water is necessary for the proper functioning of your kidneys.
  • Water is considered and used widely as a natural weight loss tool.
  • A low quantity of water intake sometimes leads into increasing of dandruff formation in your scalp. And lack of it also you can feel itchiness to your skin.

25. Keep yourself busy

there is a two type of busyness! If you don’t hear about this thing before, in that case, keep reading out whole information with proper attention.

No. 1 is. If you are doing some work from a long period of time repetitively without taking the necessary amount of rest, which is very necessary. It is one kind of busyness but it is not at all a healthy practice for your entire health.

No. 2 is. If you keep busying yourself in various types of activities which award you at the end as broad-mindedness and develop new skills with you. And as well as excel your limit and makes you happy via mind & body.

The no.2 option is an absolutely good way of keeping yourself busy and remains healthy.

26. Stop intake of Alcohol, Nicotine & Caffeine

Alcohol smoking

Many of us beware so much about the harmfulness of these products like Alcohol, nicotine & caffeine into our life. But, after all knowing all of such things people still consuming due to many ways like social pressure, started in at their teenager period of time, most of them feel like it is the best way to show off in front of others, due to curiosity and afterward it becomes a habit and part of your life. All of these things are very addictive in nature not easy to way out from this addiction once you get trapped in this path.

Once a person wants to quit or give up this bad habit it needs to take some time and lots of patience. And also, individual can take expert help and appropriate advice to get rid of this bad habit within a time period.

Consumption of these products offered you various health risks

  • If you “Drink Alcohol” more than moderate amount– you may face lots of diseases like- Liver diseases, type 2 diabetes, Erectile dysfunction, Cancer, Dementia, high blood pressure, and heart-related diseases.
  • Smoking cigarettes and consumption of nicotine health risk– nicotine’s are highly addictive. Lungs related diseases, cancer (mouth, throat, and other body parts), pregnant women’s, adolescent brain development, worsen asthma condition, raised blood-pressure & heart rate.
  • Too much Caffeine health risk– diarrhea, fertility issue, can develop pregnancy issue in women (miscarriages), raise blood pressure & heartbeat, confusion, anxiety, nausea, headaches, cellular level motor movements decreases, and excite you for more urination.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

27. Include in-between your diet some “Healthy Snacks”

Most of the times in the name of snacks we like to eat or consume unhealthy food items. Like- sweet beverages, burgers, chips, pizza, highly processed milk-related products, and high-calorie food items. But, do you know? How much these type of foods are completely bad for our entire health. According to the health organization people are mostly attracted to unhealthy foods due to the use of highly marketing strategies of these junk products by the various medium in our society.

But, most of the studies highly recommend and advocate about the consumption of healthy food items such are. Nuts, healthy Smoothies, fresh fruit & vegetable Salads, and yogurt may be better than to be used instead of above-mentioned junk food products. And it is your responsibilities to save you and keep out your family from obesity, high blood pressure, mood disorder, heart attacks, and many unwanted diseases.

28. Include such foods in your diet boost up your “HDLs level”

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is highly considered as good cholesterol for your overall health. “Oat bran” is highly useful food to reduce the level of cholesterol in our body and keep you healthy & fit.

Other foods like olive & its oil, garlic, nuts, chia seeds, higher anti-oxidant foods, and fatty fish. According to the experts, your cholesterol level should be remaining into your bloodstream up to 5.1 millimoles/liters. And more than this figure considered bad for your entire health.

29. Consume a balanced diet

due to dietary imbalance, you can face lots of infrequent illnesses into your life. So, try to fulfill all of your daily dietary requirements with balanced diet plan along with fresh food resources. One kind of food all the time is not a good choice for any person it can bring lots of serious health-related issues.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

30. Include in your diet some “High fiber” foods

It is highly helpful to keep it up to your gut health at an optimum level. Actually, there are two types of fibers we get from the food which are known as soluble & insoluble fiber. “Insoluble fiber” is act as an extra ingredient for your intestinal track when you need to pass stool without the feeling of any difficulties. As well as, proper consumption of insoluble fiber that is digested by your intestinal bacteria and turns into in fatty acids which healthier for your intestinal tract.

“Soluble fiber” is getting ready to absorb through your blood after the digestion of your food is complete. Most of the soluble fiber turns into fatty acid. According to the experts, soluble fiber is helping out in reducing the cholesterol level in blood steam, good for healthy vessels, controlling the blood sugar level, and lower heart risk rate. Also, many researchers suggest that consumption of high fiber oriented foods helps a lot into your weight loss progression session.

So, how much quantity of fiber is daily needed for an individual to keep their guts remains healthy? Nutrition experts- always recommend 18 gm of fiber to keep your gut remains healthy at an optimal level.

What are the foods in high in fiber? Such are mentioned below

  • Different type of Whole grains, red kidney beans, green beans, lentils, Apple with skin, spaghetti, apricots, vegetable salads, potato with skin, barley, cabbages, prunes, peas, oats, and different types of root vegetables.

31. Instead of Sugar! What should you have to consume?

Stop sugar intake

Less consumption of sugar is a very good habit for anyone who wants to remains healthy for longer period of time. Instead of this try to add in your diet some fruit sugar and plant-based sugar like- fructose or natural sugars (Stevia), monk fruit, coconut sugar, maple syrup, molasses, and honey this kind of sugar consider the healthiest source of sugar.

According to the nutritional expert’s consumption of natural way of sugar is not so much harmful comparatively to the artificial source of sugar intake. Over intake of sugar on a daily basis possibly will give an invitation to lots of common diseases like- diabetes, obesity, cancer, and weight gain associated other disorder to your health.

32. Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics

as we all know about that, inadequate amount of digestive enzymes present in our guts leads to face with many digestive related disorders. So, take a look. What are the actual works of these Digestive enzymes for your body? Digestive enzymes help to break down essential food particles like- protein, fat, carbs, milk, and other important food components.

Lack of these enzymes in your body you may have to face in your life some intolerance among various foods and not able to digest many foods with proper way.

If you want to keep your digestive system in good condition and hope to gain better health for you. So, add some natural source of food into your diet which tremendously helpful in increasing the percentage of digestive enzyme in your system in a natural way.

Natural resources of some “digestive enzymes or probiotics available in nature like-  Pineapples, Bananas, mango, honey, kefir, papaya, avocado, Greek yogurt, kimchi, miso, and fruit & vegetable salads.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

33. Hormonal Imbalance

Some point in life every person has faced this type of experience in their life. Basically it occurred, in the teenager period and also very common in pregnant ladies. But, most of the time it seems it happens due to the endocrine system of our body or relative glands are not functioning in a proper condition.

Some sign & symptoms of Hormonal imbalance

  • Strange weight gain & weight loss.
  • Blood sugar irregularities.
  • In women, they have to face in such order like dryness in vagina, tender breast, acne and other abnormal changes occur certainly in them.
  • Insomnia, anxiety, and mood disorder.
  • Digestion related disorders.
  • Infertility.
  • Sudden hair loss.

34. Wash your hands and your foodstuffs properly before eating

Cleanliness of our surroundings is very important to keep our body healthy at an optimum level. Especially, if we talk about health. Many of the diseases are entered in our body mainly through our foods and contaminated hands.

So, next time before you eat always remember to clean & wash your hand with sanitizers or via any anti-bacterial soap.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

35. Prefer to eat organic grown-up foods

did you ever think about! Why our ancestors are capable to live such a long life which we can’t expect in today’s era where the average life of a person is too short. Just because of, their surroundings and resources majorly rely upon natural and pollution-free things.

If we talk about in this today era things are completely changed for all of us. Getting the faster results people started to make use of chemical fertilizers, unnatural breeding of crops and store food items for a longer period of time. That is not good for your entire health. But, now these day’s it is very common to observe people want to make a lot of money not hesitate to play with our health.

However, there are some non-profitable organizations and health-conscious people start to grown-up some pollution-free crops, vegetables, dairy products, and meats. It could be available for you at some higher-cost comparatively to the available unhealthy foods.

Now, trends are changing in our society and people are giving much importance toward eating of natural grown food items. These are very helpful to prevent unnecessary diseases from you.

36. Don’t drink water at least half an hour before and after the consumption of a meal

Actually this valuable principle is derived from ayurvedic textbooks and highly recommended by the yoga gurus. If you try to follow this routine for some period of time in a couple of days you may observe major difference come into your health. Majorly your digestion gets improved and the overall health flourishes.

According to the yoga gurus, if an individual consumes water before the meal it nearly diluted your digestive enzymes present in your stomach. In Ayurveda, it is acknowledged by “Agni” or “Jatragini” fire required to digest. If you drink much amount of water before consumption of food it shut off the fire which is required to digest your food in a proper manner. And, toward the end, all the important nutrients are not able to get absorbed within your body in a proper way.

Instead of this, people can include another form of liquid just like- fruit juices, buttermilk, milk, and lassi. And another big principle should apply along with this anyone should not have to consume any form of cold liquid or Icy-cold fluid.

37. Take enough Proteins through your daily diet

proteins are an essential source for overall body growth and help in recovering your body from many deadly diseases. In Fact, an absolute source of protein only complete by the proper chain of amino acids. Actually, our body is required 22 amino acids for proper development of our body.

Most of the protein is prepared by the body by its own-self that is called non-essential amino acids which are found in a number of 14. Rather than this, 8 essential amino acids for your body are required to fulfill through our quality protein daily intake. Then, how much protein is required for maintaining a healthy state of body for an adult.

The simplest rule of thumb is 0.75 grams /kg of body. First of all, you should have to calculate your weight in kilogram, not in the pound. Afterward, once you get your right weight in kilograms. Ex- Suppose that, your weight is 65 kg, multiply this figure to 0.75 gm. 65*0.75= 48.75 gm. Then your average protein requirements should be 48.75gm/day. The most important thing is pregnant ladies and breastfeeding women’s needed extra protein from their normal requirements.

Another big misconception is highly spread out now these days in our society are that lots of protein intake are good for our entire health. But this fact is not true at all; except this excess amount of protein intake can put unnecessary strain on your kidneys and liver function.

175 to 200 gm of protein intake in a day considered is bad for your overall health. Above all, the animal source of protein considered by the doctors as a complete source of protein like- milk, cheese, chicken, fish, eggs, meat, nuts, prawn, shellfish.

Vegetarian source of protein

Vegetarian source of protein is highly believed about this it is an incomplete source of protein. But it is not completely true, actually, complete information about the vegetarian food is always individual need have to consume a different kind of vegetarian food items and alter it after some period of time.

so that’s why you need have to consume different type of beans, peas, lentils, nuts, whole meals, corn, seasonal fruits & vegetables and oatmeal’s etc to complete your protein diet. One thing, always remembers especially about vegetarian food is that one single vegetarian diet is not a complete source of amino acids or proteins. You can only get it from all type of diverse source of vegetarian food items available fresh in your local markets.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

38. Vitamin-C and Healthy fat

vitamin-C is also recognized as by the name of “ascorbic acid”. It is actually a water-soluble vitamin that means if you are consuming it in the large quantity your body will be going to discard an excess amount of this vitamin by the urination process.

What are the major functions of vitamin-C in our body- growth and repair of your body tissues, making of collagen, boost the immune system, increase absorption of iron, rapid wound healing, due to antioxidants protect against free radicals, promotes gums & teeth health and maintains of your bones/cartilage. According to the RDA 75 to 90mg/day is enough for an adult.

The Best source of Vitamin-C

  • Broccoli and red cabbage.
  • Red Pepper, green pepper.
  • Kiwi.
  • Orange & tomato juice.
  • Cantaloupe
  • Fruits & vegetables.

It helps to keep away many diseases from your body. Like- Aging, cough & cold, recover wound faster, Stroke, and stress.

Healthy fat” benefits for the human body

Healthy fats are very essential for maintaining good health. It is considered that monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, and Omega-3 are good for lowering down the LDL (Lower blood cholesterol) level in your body.

How much amount of fatty acid is required for an adult person? At least 30 gm of total fats are required for the proper functioning of your whole body process and from this figure, anyone needs at least 5 gm of essential fatty acid for maintaining the overall good health.

Healthy fat” health benefits for the human body

  • Good for your heart health.
  • Regulate appropriate functioning of nervous system and brain.
  • Improve blood glucose level and insulin as well.
  • Reduce stroke risk.
  • Healthy fats are very essential for producing male hormones.

Must avoid bad fats from your diet which is called “Trans-fat” Like- highly processed food, deep-fried food items, beef & pork fat, full-fat cheese, meaty and creamy sauces.

Highly beneficiary Fat resources for us

  • Variety of Nuts.
  • Avocados, extra virgin olive oil, and peanut oils.
  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, fresh tuna, sardines, and trout).
  • Chia seeds, flax seeds.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Tofu

39. Are you proper Chewing of your food before swallowing?

Most of the people we have seen now these days just take a bite of food and gulp down it without chewing their food in a proper way. It is just like a very bad habit for anyone who follows this practice for a longer period of time. If you don’t know about this concept! How much anyone should have to chew their foods.

Then follow this golden thumb of rule, Chew your food at least 32 times before swallow. Proper chewing habit for anyone is a very good practice for your entire health. There are so many proper chewing health benefits mentioned below.

Different type of health benefits of proper chewing habits

  • Control weight gain.
  • Good for your Digestion.
  • Also, you can enjoy your food more than you experience before.
  • You can get long-lasting teeth and stronger gums.
  • If you chew a portion of food at least 32 times you consume less food compare to the normal food eating practices.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

40. Importance of keeping a Right body posture

if you think that body posture is not important for you as much. Then this piece of information is going to be very crucial for you. Right kind of posture means proper alignment of your body parts while you are in a sitting, standing, lying, and walking position.

Right kind of posture importance for your health

  • One can improve their “spine life” by following the right kind of body posture.
  • Reduce strain on your spine and body.
  • You feel more energetic and confident in your work.
  • According to the health, experts keeping a poor posture for a longer period of time individual can face numerous health-related issues.
  • Good for concentration and alertness.
  • It has so many positive health impacts to your body like- improvise proper blood circulation, support for a healthier breath, and minimize the risk of back pain, neck-related pains, and joint pains.
  • Highly supportive in the proper functioning of your body.
  • It gives a very positive impression on others.

41. Early to Bed and Early to rise

according Health experts, those are following this habit of early to bed and early to rise. They become more productive, confident, positive in nature in their life compared to a late-night sleeper. And also seen the success rate of them literally high. Also such people can easily deal with their day to day stress and remain happy.

Moreover, you can get lots of time to execute an important healthy task for yourself like- go for a morning walk, finish your breakfast in time. And you have enough time to go out and finish off your day to day work before time. And reach your home on time and spend quality time with your family members and friends. Afterward, you can get proper sound sleep which is good for your entire health.

42. Before sleep and after the awake up give positive suggestion to your mind

Positive suggestion

if you want to live your life become healthy, wealthy and keep your body hardware in a healthy state as well as also keep your system free off many viruses. I mean to point out here about various kinds of various diseases, stress, depression, and wrong programming of your brain. Therefore, you need have to install the right kind of “positive software packages” it means here to provide positive autosuggestion to yourself.

Actually, everybody behaves and act in whatever way in a present time which is run automatically that is established and installed by yourself. It is just like a positive or negative coding place in your subconscious mind. After many authenticate researches, that has been provided us sufficient evidence related to the auto-suggestion how powerful tool is this. You can control it by yourself but here some difference in-between of a person and a computer. In a computer, you can install any new kind of software within a minute or seconds.

But, a human brain works differently it adopts some new thing or whatever affirmation you want to provide to them for the first time that takes some time and a golden rule of thumb is this it takes 21 days. Also never use, such negative phrases just like cannot, I am not afraid, don’t want and other similar negative words.

And most important part during your practices, whatever affirmations you are trying to impose to your brain it should be done with a proper feeling in its various ways, along with must include some pictures.

According to the experts, if you apply this method before and after your sleep it will deliver you the best results within a certain time frame.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

43. Try to consume your food in a proper timing

doctors highly recommend that those people are consuming their food on a daily basis within proper point in time. They remain healthy and live their life without having any kind of major illness in their health.

The importance of healthy eating foods automatically boost-up once you consume your food within proper timing.

44. Green Tea

as we all know about that a Japanese citizen average life is more than the rest of other country person living around the world. And, various studies suggest that green tea is one of the important beverage they include in their day to day life. “Green tea” is a very good source of anti-oxidants.

And in Japan, the consumption rate of green tea is very high compared to other countries. A variety of range present in the tea section that is available around the world. But there is some sort of famous and health effective tea variant is exist such are-

  • Oolong Tea.
  • Lemon balm tea, Lemongrass tea, dandelion flower tea, Chamomile tea, rosemary tea, and barley tea.
  • Green tea, Matcha tea, Sencha tea.
  • Cinnamon & ginger Tea.
  • Tea made up of various important herbs.

45. Keep your kitchen Neat & Clean

protect your home kitchen from any type of harmful pests. Like- rats, cockroaches, flies, ants, and mites. Cleanliness of kitchen is very important and maintaining the proper hygiene & sanitation of your kitchen persistently. Actually, the kitchen is the most easiest way of access or breeding ground for the pests. So, for this, you need have to properly take care by yourself the kitchen area.

If you are unable to do it by your own-self, than you can take immediate help from the department of a pest control expert or concern authorities nearby you. Other most important safety advisory related to your kitchen.

  • Check all the food items expiry dates manually.
  • And never left your food items after cook, not more than 2 hours. Just because of, mainly bacteria rapidly start to grown-up in between the room temperature of 15° to 60° C. So, avoid food poisoning be aware of careless handling of your food items.
  • All the food items like- cooked meals, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products should be kept inside the refrigerator and set the temperature in-between the range of –10oC to 5o 

46. Control of diabetes

now these day’s this disease get outbreak in our society at a very fast pace. Every 1 in 10 adults affected by this killer diabetes disease. Do you know? Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of human death. Only in the US, 25.9 million people diagnosed with diabetes. And around the globe 286 million peoples affected by this disease so badly. What are the major body parts get badly affected by this disease?

  • Nerves
  • Kidneys
  • Feet
  • Heart
  • Eyes
  • Brain

Top leading countries affected by this disease those are- China, India, USA, Russia, Brazil, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Mauritius.

How you can control diabetes in natural ways

  • Eating healthy food.
  • Do regular exercises.
  • Take a long walk.
  • Increase fiber intake in your daily diet. And along with this try to consume such foods those are high in “Magnesium” and “Chromium”.
  • Minimize your carbs intake.
  • Try to control your stress level & anxiety.
  • Always consume or include in your diet Low Glycemic index foods.
  • Drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Every time try to keep an eye on your Blood sugar level.
  • Take an adequate amount of sleep.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stop consuming harmful products like- smoking, liquor, tobacco, and drugs intake.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

47. Cut off high sodium intake from your diet

Limit your sodium intake

do you know? There are lots of way throughout a day we are consuming lots of sodium all the way through various sources of foods. Due to, overdosing of sodium it can develop any types of diseases into your body. In fact, all kind of packaging foods, home foods, burgers, pizza, junk foods they all contain lot’s of sodium in them.

According to the health guidelines, 2.3 gm of salt consumption per day is considered enough to maintaining good health for an adult person. Do you know? How much amount of sodium intake done daily by you from the recommended ones? When you visit restaurants we eat lots of sodium without knowing about this our food is containing lots of sodium. Like- Sandwich (180-7,200mg), Burger (199-2,950mg), Pizza (395-4,125mg), chicken piece (65-7,300), and salad (4.5-4,510mg).

High sodium intake is bad for your health

  • High Blood pressure, heart-related diseases.
  • Renal failure, stroke.
  • Obesity.
  • Nerve disorder.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

48. For “Healthy hair” & “Skin” change your product with herbal ones

almost most of the hair & skin related products containing some sort of harmful chemicals. These products only are shown glossier look for a limited period of time to your hair & skin. And afterward, you face many issues related to your Hair & Skins. Like- brittle, split end, hair fall, dry skin, rashes, and skin related disorders.

So, always try to use verified organic Ayurvedic products and keep your hair & skin strong and healthy.

49. Avoid Eating & Cooking foods in the harmful utensils

in some recent studies clearly tell about or point out that cooking and eating in such kind of metals completely bad for your entire health. There are few utensils mentioned over here to acknowledge all of us how these few utensils are so dangerous for your health.

  • Stainless steel utensils

as we often see every individual kitchen is having of this metal called “stainless steel“. This utensil is highly making use for cooking or eating purposes. Basically, a stainless steel utensil made up of chromium, silicon, nickel, and carbon compound. But, we prepare foods in this cooking vessel is not always remains harmful for your body. Just because of steel not react with any kind of foods.

But, here is the point you need to think about it if the steel made up of utensil you purchased from the shop should be in a proper grade and manufactured in high quality. If mixing of metal is not correctly done at the time of the manufacturing of this steel vessel. In that case, it could be very harmful to the human body. So, next time quite sure to buy only the proper durable stainless steel utensils for your cooking and eating purposes.

  • Aluminum utensils

Another most usable cooking utensil commonly find in the markets and our kitchen. Aluminum utensils have their own shine and easily attract the buyer. This one is not going to directly affect your health so badly. But, this metal heats up very quickly and easily reacts with some kind of acidic vegetables and foods. And that’s the primary reason some way it affects your health badly.

  • Copper utensils

Copper is considered one of the healthiest products for cooking foods for a very long time by the major health-conscious societies. Iodine containing foods such get easily react with copper made products. And which helps to releases more copper small particles which can easily mix up to your food. More than enough consumption of copper may lead in certain type of illness to your health.

  • Lead/Ceramic cookware

this kind of material in today’s period highly used in various cooking vessels which one is also harmful to your body. Just because of, due to reaction with some kind of sour foods, vinegar, and acidic foods easily increases the chance of leaching extra lead into your food items which are very dangerous for your health.

  • Non-stick cookware

it seems much non-stick cookware is coated with unhealthy chemical substances. Even though, it is not safer for high flame cooking.

There are some utensil is mentioned over here good for your health- Iron, good quality Steels, Earthenware, and steamed foods.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

50. After finish off your meals at least takes 15 to 20 minutes walk

Walking is good

also you can take a walk up to 30 min/day. There are too many reasons walking is vital for your entire health.

  • Some researchers suggest that walking after meal consumption is exceptionally good for controlling the blood sugar level in human.
  • Also, it is good for your entire digestion process.
  • Take some walk after completing of your meals especially in the nighttime it provides you a sound sleep.
  • Help in regulating healthier blood circulation throughout your body.

So, what are you waiting for, getting the best health benefits of this “Natural Health Tips” apply all suggestion straightway which is you find more suitable for you?

Acquire a “Natural Health” possibly avoid such mentioned foods  

  • Stop consuming Over Sodium content food products
  • Avoid such foods containing Food Additives, Preservatives & artificial flavor- stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  • Unhealthy foods like junk foods, fried ones, and many spicy foods.
  • Avoid overcooked foods
  • Don’t skip your breakfast.

Other useful Natural Health tips

  • Newborn babiessince birth to 6 months of age babies should be properly feed with their mother milk. Avoid adding sugar and salt in the food of infant and young children’s.
  • Mindful eating practices– it is the most powerful way of eating in which you start to gain control over on wrong way of eating practices. In this process, you need have to eat slow and keep yourself distraction-free. And start to more focus on smells, color, texture, the flavor of foods. And need to identify real physical hunger. Mindful eating practices can do a lot for you just like- weight loss, reduce cravenness for foods, and gives you complete satisfaction.
  • Protect your eyes– care your eyes from “direct sunlight” exposure. Eye related tests are necessary for the proper protection of your eyes. Eat fresh, green leafy vegetables and fruits. Sprinkle some freshwater on your eyes.
  • Sexual health– talks openly about this topic with a correct person like- doctors, family members, and take some expert advice if you have some doubt in your mind. Not to having shy and keep it secretly to yourself. Sexual health is the same as equivalently important just like your other bodily health concern. Healthy and safe way of sex is a very important thing in the current period of time. So, everybody should have a piece of proper knowledge about this topic.

“Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

[Also read-  How to Detox your Kidneys and Bladder? Top 20 Natural Remedies]


You need have to find out which one is you are missing from your daily lifestyle from these “50 Natural Health Tips”. Not only healthy eating practices kept you in good shape. For adopting a Healthy lifestyle first of all you need have to give attention over on various approaches which are able to fulfill your all health needs.

All 50 natural Health tips given here derived from all-natural resources which are willing to keep you remain healthy and fit.

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3 thoughts on “Top 50 Natural Health Tips”

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